  • 學位論文


A study on revise of the General Average chapter in Taiwan’s maritime law —with the point of York-Antwerp Rules.

指導教授 : 曾文瑞
共同指導教授 : 曾國雄(Kuo-Shyong Tseng)


共同海損制度因國際海運環境變遷,歷年來一直存有共同安全與共同利益兩大概念,並反應於約克安特衛普規則,而該規則亦多有更替。如1990年因國際海事公約之要求,修正救助報酬,1994年則為簡化理算過程,且不應在擴大共同海損範圍,修正至上規則、拖帶條款等,2004年約克安特衛普規則主要刪除了部份共同海損費用之認定,以縮小理算範圍。而我國海商法則係參照1974年約克安特衛普規則於民國88年修正共同海損章,但其後該規則復有1990年、1994年及2004年等修正版,發現海商法仍無法配合國際趨勢做適時修正。 本研究以1990修正1974年、1994年、2004年約克安特衛普規則增修趨勢與我國海商法共同海損章之規定相比較,研究後發現我國海商法共同海損章與約克安特衛普規則差異之處,如於拖帶條款、船貨不分離協定、救助費用、臨時修理費用等,我國海商法中並無規定,同時共同海損時效期間、墊付共同海損費用之佣金與利息之計算則與約克安特衛普規則大不相同。 本研究針對我國海商法共同海損章規定不足,或其規定不同於約克安特衛普規則之部份,對海商法提出修法之建議,以配合國際實務,使我國海商法共同海損章可與國際同步與接軌,於國內共同海損案件發生時,可與國際有相同之參考依據。


Because of the environmental changed of the international shipping industry, general average has been existing common safety and common benefit two concepts, they were answered on York-Antwerp Rules, and the rules also replaced more just as reappeared 1990, 1994 and rules 2004. For example the York-Antwerp Rules 1990 was requested amendment salvage remuneration by International Convention on Salvage 1989, and the York-Antwerp Rules 1994 amended rule paramount, tug and tow etc in order to simplify the course of adjusting. The York-Antwerp Rules 2004 mainly deleted General Average expenses partly for reduction adjustment range. But the maritime law of R.O.C. was consulted York-Antwerp Rules 1974 to amend the general average chapter in 1999. Thus, the maritime law of R.O.C. was still unable to cooperate with the international trend to revise in good time. This study compares with York-Antwerp Rules 1990, 1994, 2004 amendments and general average chapter of the R.O.C. maritime law. This study finds that the tug and tow, non-separation agreement, salvage charges and temporary repairs which are not found as a regulation in the maritime law of R.O.C. Meanwhile, the time bar for general average contributions, provision of funds and interest on losses allowed in general average are different from the York-Antwerp Rules. This study addresses general average chapter of the R.O.C. maritime law to York-Antwerp Rules and suggests the direction of amendment of maritime law in order to follow international practices. When general average cases happen in R.O.C, it has the same reference.


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29. 楊仁壽,「共同海損與利害關係人過失之關係-評最高法院八十四年度台上字第2761號民事判決」,法令月刊,第四十八卷,第八期,民國八十六年八月,頁17。
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6. 林群弼,「論共同海損制度之沿革及展望」,臺大法學論叢,第三十二卷,第四期,民國九十二年,頁207-273。
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