  • 學位論文


Climate Literacy in Media Applied for Taiwan Education (CLiMATE): the Core Terms of Climate Change

指導教授 : 賴信志


政府間氣候變遷專門委員會(IPCC)第五版氣候變遷報告顯示,全球暖化使得極端天氣事件發生頻率升高、災害變得更為頻繁,儼然已成為全球人民無法輕忽問題。有鑒於此,氣候變遷造成的衝擊與危害,社會大眾有必要具備基本的知識與技能來因應及防範,因此有許多氣候變遷相關素養的產出,而在過去研究的氣候變遷相關素養指標都是由專家角度設計,不僅耗時、費力、研究過程繁雜,世界各地仍有許多人對氣候變遷概念仍一知半解,甚至存在著迷思概念,因此本研究欲從民眾最常接觸之媒體訊息,找出民眾最常接觸的名詞來建構出貼近民眾生活的氣候素養指標內涵,以提供未來氣候變遷教育宣導與推動之參考。 本研究首先蒐集美國海洋暨大氣總署(NOAA)與美國科學促進會(AAAS)所製作的《氣候素養-氣候科學的基礎原則》指南,及聯合知識庫2000年至2009年間共三百多萬篇的新聞媒體文章,運用自動文字探勘系統進行關鍵詞提取及匹配,研究結果為:1、共擷取了51個媒體中常見的氣候變遷關鍵詞彙,並進一步將其區分為氣候變遷成因面向關鍵詞共11個、衝擊面向關鍵詞共20個、因應面向關鍵詞共7個及13個附屬關聯詞;2、依據其關聯性強度再提取出7個氣候素養核心關鍵詞作為大眾需具備的氣候核心素養,並與氣候變遷相關議題作聯結性分析,包括二氧化碳、暖化、能源、溫室氣體、化石燃料、物種和氣候變遷,結果顯示此7個核心關鍵詞多以氣候變遷成因面向為主,且再與氣候變遷議題上的聯結性進行分析後,發現氣候素養關聯圖中兩條頻率較高的聯結路徑為:「能源─溫室氣體─氣候變遷」及「溫室氣體─暖化─氣候變遷」;3、以7個核心關鍵詞及其關聯詞建構出氣候素養結構圖,共分為兩個階層,第一層為核心素養,為一般大眾需具備的氣候變遷基本認知且可作為教學應用上的基礎階級,第二層為關聯素養,為增加第一層各核心素養議題之廣度及深度認知的延伸階級,最後將本研究所建構出的階層式的氣候素養與我國教育部所編製的氣候變遷調適八大領域教材進行分析,發現於各領域的教材中階有一至三個不等的核心關鍵詞無任何的相關內容,而在關聯性的分析上,因各領域在編撰教材時有著重於某些議題的探討,故有近四成的關聯性是完全沒有相關認知鏈結的,因此本研究建議在未來氣候變遷教材的編撰或宣導上可以本研究所提出的氣候素養關聯圖做為參考依據。 綜之,本研究可作為未來教育在氣候變遷教育實施與宣導上的參考,並建議後續氣候變遷相關教材發展時,可參考本研究所產出的氣候素養關聯圖進行編撰或修正。


The Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has confirmed that global warming increases the frequency of extreme weather and disasters. With increasing importance on the issue of climate change, it is necessary for public to enhance their knowledge and clear any misconceptions on climate change. Previous studies that construct a framework of climate literacy indicators not only consumes time and labor, but also has a very complicated research process. This study will construct a framework of climate literacy indicators from media that people have contact with most frequently. The first step of this study is to collect data from multiple sources. These include “Climate Literacy-based on Principles of Climate Science Guide” published by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), and the “United Daily News,” which includes three million news media articles dated through 2000 to 2009. The next step is extracting and matching keywords through an automated system. The results are as followed: 1. 51 keywords were extracted in total, and further divided into climate change causes (11 keywords), the impact of climate change (20 keywords), the response of climate change (7 keywords) and other related phrases (13 keywords). 2. Seven climate literacy core keywords that possess high relevance were chosen to couple with climate change-related issues. Results showed out of that these keywords (carbon dioxide, warming, energy, greenhouse gases, fossil fuels, species, and climate change), climate change headed the charts. After analysis of the coupling on climate change issues, two high frequency coupling paths were the most apparent, “Energy-greenhouse gas-climate change” and “global warming-greenhouse gasses-climate change.” 3. Choosing “climate change” as the main keyword to analyze the 3 levels of climate literacy, this structure needs to be further utilized. Compared to teaching materials of climate change adaptation published by the Ministry of Education in Taiwan, this study noticed that the teaching material was lacking in explaining climate change and its cause. The study shows that climate change literacy can not only be used to increase climate change education, but also develop more teaching materials on climate change based on climate literacy association map in the future.


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