  • 學位論文


The Legal Application of Patent Misuse

指導教授 : 范建得


本文起於飛利浦光碟授權案,為探討專利權利之濫用在我國法規下之適用,藉由討論專利權利行使與競爭法制之平衡,進而探討專利權利濫用行為之私法效力。本文先行分析飛利浦光碟授權案之基礎事實,本案中專利權人以何種商業方法行使其專利權,其行使行為是否涉有專利權利濫用之虞,及我國實務如何認事用法,並研究目前公平會、高等行政法院與最高行政法院在本案如何解釋適用公平法,以及民事法院在本案如何解釋適用民事法規並認定飛利浦等公司其行使專利權行為之私法上效力。 接著本文探討世界各主要國如何進行專利權濫用行為之法律適用及其濫用行為之法律效果;先分析美國法上專利權利濫用原則之緣由、概念、適用以及其目前實務上判定專利權濫用之方法,並論述美國法上專利權利濫用與競爭法之交錯;再簡述其他國家諸如歐盟、日本等國如何規範專利權濫用行為,並判斷其實務之適用方法是否適合我國。 本文進而研究在我國法制下,應如何限制專利權利濫用以及認定專利權利濫用行為之私法上效果,以我國目前對於如何規範專利權濫用之各家見解共有(1)回歸競爭法、(2)競爭法及專利法二元適用、(3)另立新法、及(4)以民法為適用等說,分析上述各說法應如何判斷專利權利濫用行為,及其私法上效果,並延續上一章之結論,再導出本文認為應民法得以作為判斷專利權濫用行為之私法效果之想法。 最後,在結論部分,本文歸納整理我國對於專利權利濫用之法律適用以及其法律效果,進而檢視目前智慧財產權法院對於飛利浦光碟授權案之判決,並嘗試提出相關意見,期能做為我國未來在判斷專利權利濫用行為以及其法律效果之參考。


This research was arisen from the most famous case of patent license, the case of Phillip patent license, in Taiwan. Therefore, to probe into the legal application of patent right misuse, the balance between the patent rights and the competition, and the legal effect (Rechtsfolge) of the patent right misuse are the main issues of this article. First of all, this research analyses the fact of the Phillip case in order to understand how the patentees in this case licensed their patents, and whether it was involved in the patent misuse. The research next analyses the judgments of both the civil court and the administrate court in Taiwan to understand how the courts in Taiwan enter into a decision of the legal effect of patent right misuse. Second of all, this research studies the legal application and legal effect of the other countries. For instance, this article analyzes the original cause, concept, application of the principle of patent misuse in order to figure out the criteria in practice in the United States. And this research looks into the regulation of the European Union, Japan, and the People Republic of China as well, to make a study of whether the applications of the other countries are suitable for Taiwan or not. Furthermore, this article considers the method to restrain the patent misuse and to figure the legal effect of patent misuse. There are about four theories to regulate the patent misuse in Taiwan: (1) integrating into the application of competition laws, (2) binary application of competition laws and patent laws, (3) legislating a new law and, (4) returning to the application of civil laws. This article stands for the theory of returning to the application of civil laws; hence, it consists and compares these four different theories and deliberates the reasons why returning to the application of civil laws is the most appropriate one. Last but not the least, this article discusses the possible legal effect and result of the Phillip case if the legal system stands for the theory of the application of civil laws, and illustrates the advantages once this theory applied in practice. This is the main purpose of this article, to be a useful reference for the further law enacting.


Patent Right Misuse Fair Competition Competition Law


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