  • 學位論文


The Development of Extended Confiscation under EU Directive

指導教授 : 連孟琦


擴大沒收制度的核心在於澈底剝奪犯罪收益,從而實現打擊犯罪的目的。歐盟於2014年發布之《指令2014/42/EU》即係試圖解決自2005年的《框架決議2005/212/JHA》以降所未能有效落實之擴大沒收制度;基於歐盟指令對成員國之拘束力,德國在2017年刑法修正即宣稱目的之一係將歐盟指令轉化為國內法。本文認為,德國刑法修正結果不但與歐盟指令的實質意義有落差,而且修正後的新《德國刑法》本身也有違反平等原則和比例原則之疑慮。爰此,我國在進一步擴大沒收制度時,也應審慎地以歐盟指令之意義和德國刑法的變革為參考與借鏡,避免過於激進地使用此一打擊犯罪利器。   本文認為,我國若全面適用擴大沒收,不但會面臨與德國相同的違憲疑慮,當下立法環境也欠缺推動如此重大變革的動力,因此應維持如同德國2017年刑法修正前之有限度使用擴大沒收,逐步於推動於重點之罪行。本文亦認為,我國對於處置來源不明財產,應採取如同新《德國刑法》以及《指令2014/42/EU》所的立法模式,即係由檢方負擔舉證責任,只是不需要證明到有罪的程度,能讓法院認為有事證足以認定即可,而非以舉證責任轉換的方式為立法,避免造成刑事訴訟體系的紊亂與複雜。


The objective of extended confiscation is to deprive the proceeds of crime and thus achieve the purpose of combating crime. Directive 2014/42/EU is, therefore, be issued to improve the extended confiscation since Framework Decision 2005/212/JHA was not implemented effectively. As the Member State of EU, Germany has amended its Criminal Law to comply with the Directive in 2017. However, this paper believes that the extended confiscation in amended German Criminal Law not only inconsistent with the substantive meaning of the Directive but also violated the principle of equality and proportionality. Therefore, in promoting the implementation of extended confiscation, Taiwan should recognize the meaning of Directive carefully and refer German’s experience to avoid using this measure aggressively.   This paper believes that Taiwan at present should limit the implementation of extended confiscation as Germany did before 2017, such as being implemented in several serious crime preferentially. This paper also believes that Taiwan should follow the rules in the Directive and German Criminal Law regarding the burden of proof should be on the prosecutions, instead of the suspected or accused person. That is, the extended confiscation should be possible when the Court considers the specific circumstances of the case that the evidence provided by prosecutions. There is still no room for Reverse Burden of Proof in Taiwan’s criminal justice system, even though the burden of proof of extended confiscation is reduced.


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