  • 學位論文


A Study of Fair Use on E-learning Platforms

指導教授 : 彭心儀 李紀寬


在科技快速進步、網路傳播無遠弗屆的現在,國、內外出現各式網路教學平台,如大規模開放式的磨課師(MOOCs)課程,提供全球性終身學習的管道,海內外各教育機構也多擁有自己專屬的網路教學平台,以利老師們管理學生出缺勤、成績考核與教材上傳。網路教學平台的多樣化讓教材不再受語言、距離與價格的限制,學習變得更為便利。然而本文觀察到部分利用人在使用網路教學平台時,常因不了解法律規範而產生諸多侵害他人著作權的行為,另有部分人則是因為合理使用的界線不夠明確,擔心訟累而不敢充分享受科技帶來的便利。 本文為研究此種科技所產生的矛盾現象,先依據著作權法合理使用的原則將現行種類繁多的網路教學平台分類後,分析網路教學平台常發生的各式著作權侵權行為,再藉由梳理國際公約、美國與我國合理使用相關規範與實務判決,探討各侵權行為是否有主張合理使用的可能。然因,合理使用原則存有高度彈性空間且仰賴法院個案判斷,本文僅能提供利用人「概略性」遵循的方向。為進一步從根本解決問題,建議透過修法,將法定授權範圍擴張至非商業利用的教育機構,在其利用國內文獻時,均可以透過給付法定費率後使用他人著作,而商業利用的教育機構欲使用教材時雖需自行與著作權人協商,也期待政府能提供一協商範本以加速雙方推展著作授權之進程。


Nowadays, with the rapid growth of technology and the boundless cyber world, various online e-Learning platforms, such as Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), provide global lifelong learning pipelines. Every educational institution also has its own online teaching platform to support teachers managing students’ attendance, or class performance, and supplementary materials. As such variety of online teaching platforms makes teaching materials no longer limited by language, distance or price, learning becomes more convenient. However, this thesis observes that while some users operate online teaching platforms, they often infringe others’ copyright due to lack of awareness of the law. Other users may not able to freely enjoy the convenience of such technology, because they are disconcerted by the unclear boundaries of the fair use doctrine in copyright law. To resolve this conflicting situation, this thesis will first classify the e-Learning platforms based on factors of the fair use rules from ROC Copyright Act, and analyze common copyright infringement scenarios that often occur on e-Learning platforms. Through reviewing the legislation and judicial decisions of fair use doctrine in international treaties, the United States, and Taiwan, we can discuss whether there is a possibility that different varieties of infringement can be deemed as fair use. This thesis aims to suggest some feasible directions for users to follow, because fair use is a highly flexible doctrine which must be decided case-by–case. To provide a fundamental solution for this problem, the thesis suggests to revise and expand the scope of compulsory authorization for non-commercial educational use which may exploit the work after paying compensation. In order to speed up the process of authorizing the authorship of the work, the government may offer a guideline for authors and commercial educational institutions’ users.


內政部編印(1993)。《認識著作權 第二冊》。台北:內政部。
