  • 學位論文


The Analysis of Fuel Cell Industry and the Study of Related Strategy Planning in Taiwan

指導教授 : 林博文


近年來由於能源安全問題、減碳與永續環境共識下,以及提高能源效率、分散電源、電力自由化與3C產品長效電力的需求下,歐美日等先進國家在政府主導氫能源政策與發展藍圖下,聯合公私部門競相投入氫能與燃料電池產業發展,並積極開拓汽車動力應用、定置型發電系統與攜帶型電源裝置等市場,以擘建氫經濟藍圖與提升國家未來競爭力。 燃料電池具有高能源轉換效率、低污染排放與應用範圍廣泛等優點,也是實踐氫能最佳的載具,未來的商機無限;但由於整體基礎建設尚未構建完成,燃料電池技術處於驗證示範階段與成本居高不下的情況下,目前燃料電池的應用僅侷限於少數利基市場,整體燃料電池產業發展位於初生階段,產業間的商業模式與價值鏈關係仍在摸索與演變階段;在此時期階段,具有前瞻創新能力、洞悉市場需求、掌握關鍵技術與整合產業鏈價值的先進廠商,將取得競爭優勢與領導地位。 國內燃料電池技術的研發與產品開發起步較晚,整體技術與相關產品開發遠落後其他先進國家,整體產業也尚未完全成形;在這種落後的環境下,政府機關應該訂定明確與積極的氫能政策,統籌產官學研資源共同推動氫能產業,以實質示範運行來加速燃料電池開發與教育推廣,而國內廠商應善用自身既有製造優勢、電力調控技術與關鍵材料/零組件基礎,佈局中小型定置型燃料電池產業與爭取國外專業廠商合作開發,另外,國內IT大廠應扮演整合與龍頭角色,引領3C應用市場的構建與價值鏈的創造,半導體與微機電廠商更可結合自身技術優勢進行前瞻微型燃料電池的創新開發,建立技術領先地位。 本論文主要藉由燃料電池技術與產品發展概述、國內外燃料電池產業分析與未來市場應用發展探討,進行國內廠商進入產業的佈局策略建議,並以國內燃料電池指標廠商進行案例討論。


The long-term sustainability of our environment has been highly questioned in the recent years. To reduce the dependence on fossil energy and total carbon impact, improve efficiency on energy usage, distribute the source of energy, and also the constant need for longer battery life for consumer electronic have push many countries to throw resources into the research of hydrogen energy and fuel cell technology, which can be used in light duty vehicle , stationary power generation, and portable power source for consumer electronics. The entire Hydrogen Economy can be extremely large in scale, and by starting early in this field, it will help our country to be competitive in the world. Fuel cell has the advantage of high energy efficiency, low (near zero) emission, and can be applied to many different fields. It is also the best way to unleash the hydrogen energy, and is expected to become a major energy source in the future. However, the shortage of basic infrastructures surrounding hydrogen economy coupled with the cost and technical problems in the fuel cell technology has prevent fuel cell from broadly used aside from niche market, Overall the entire fuel cell industry is still in its infancy and an effort to step into the industry at an emergence stage will guarantee a better position in riding the success when the industry booms in the near future. Because the lack of attention from the government previously, fuel cell industry in Taiwan has lagged behind other countries, and many key components are not entirely produced here. However, it is still not too late to join the energy revolution, and the government should lead the industry to develop this technology. In short, the government should first outline the energy policy stating a clear path toward hydrogen power and lead the industry and the universities to put the resources into researches of fuel cell; while the industry should use their advantage in manufacturing processes in key parts to position themselves into the fuel cell industry, and invite collaboration from other countries to build stationary hydrogen power plants in Taiwan. In addition, the IT industry in Taiwan should begin an initiative to integrate consumer electronics and fuel cell technology to further advance our lead in micro-fuel cell that can be integrated into consumer electronics. In this research, the fuel cell technology and its derived products will be broadly described and the current states of technology development in fuel cell both in Taiwan and other countries will be discussed. Based on these, suggestions on how to start a hydrogen power and fuel cell industry for Taiwan will be made, and real case examples will be discussed.


李清山(2007) 台灣應用燃料電池發展分散型電力之策略研究,台灣大學管理學院碩士論文
Ming Shan Jeng (2007) Perspective on a Hydrogen economy in Taiwan, MOEA
經濟部技術處(2007) 燃料電池商業化前景探索
王建彬(2005) 不同生命週期產業創新政策之評估研究,國立交通大學科技管理研究所 博士論文


