  • 學位論文


Analysis of The Development of Hemodialysis Industry

指導教授 : 洪世章


摘要 自18世紀工業革命以來,全球化迅速蓬勃發展帶動了工業與醫療進步,醫療延長人類壽命,人口老化也隨之而來,亦因工業化帶來的廢水、汙染物、食品加工,嚴重影響人類健康,文明病接踵而至。血液透析自是其中一種文明病,為造福人群讓病患不在是一種終身須做血液透析維持生命,創新的透析技術轉變成另一種形式變成血液及血管清潔,讓血液透析轉換成在定期健檢提早發現血液及血管與身體器官病變問題,提前做血液及血管清潔,解決血液太油或血管阻塞導致器官病變或衰竭,引發各種疾病上身,讓全身的器官可以更正常化運作與進行各式各樣的排毒,減少各國人民因健康問題導致各國政府,因此透析病患日益增加問題,造成龐大的財政負擔。血液透析技術創新也可用在疫苗的接種,未來可以直接透過血液透析的方式直接進入人體進行,進行更直接的治療,讓患者們能重新恢復健康獲得重生,讓血液透析變成協助人類對抗病毒的一大利器,血液透析醫療成為能造福人群的偉大醫療產業。 關鍵詞:全球化、血液透析、造福人群


全球化 血液透析 造福人群


ABSTRACT Since the industrial revolution in the 18th century, the rapid development of globalization has led to the advancement of industry and medical care. Medical treatment has extended human life and population aging has also followed. Wastewater, pollutants, and food processing caused by industrialization have seriously affected human health. The disease of civilization came one after another. Hemodialysis is one of the diseases of civilization. In order to benefit the people, it is a life-long hemodialysis necessary for patients to stay alive. Innovative hemodialysis is transformed into another form of blood and blood vessel cleaning, so that hemodialysis can be converted into regular health checkups. Early detection of blood, blood vessels, and body organ diseases, clean blood and blood vessels in advance, to solve the problem of organ disease or failure caused by too oily blood or blood vessel blockage, causing various diseases of the upper body, so that the organs of the whole body can be more normalized and performed in various ways This kind of detoxification reduces the health problems of the people of all countries and the governments of all countries. Therefore, the problem of dialysis patients is increasing, which causes a huge financial burden. Innovations in hemodialysis technology can also be used for vaccination. In the future, hemodialysis can directly enter the human body for more direct treatment, so that patients can regain their health and rebirth, and hemodialysis can become a part of helping humans fight the virus. A great weapon, hemodialysis and dialysis medicine has become a great medical industry that can benefit the population. Keywords: globalization, hemodialysis, benefiting the crowd


帕米爾編輯部(譯),1973。Peter Kropotkin著。《互助論》(Mutual aid)。台北:帕米爾書店。
