  • 學位論文


The Abilities of Retrieving Nouns and Verbs in Chinese Speaking Parkinson's and Alzheimer's Diseases

指導教授 : 蘇宜青


摘要 過去許多對腦傷病人的研究都指出特定的腦傷病人會出現特定的詞彙缺失,進而有學者根據此現象提出大腦前端的額葉區域與動詞的提取相關,而大腦後端的顳葉區域則是負責處理名詞提取。除了腦傷患者及腦顯影等研究範圍以外,近來動、名詞雙向分離的研究焦點也擴及至腦部退化患者,其中尤以因多巴胺分泌異常導致運動皮質運作受損的帕金森氏症患者與初期病徵呈現出顳葉萎縮的阿茲海默症患者的相關研究為多。 本研究的目的即欲透過圖片命名、詞彙衍生以及故事敘述三種實驗方式探討漢語習得的帕金森氏症患者與阿茲海默症患者是否會如預測般分別呈現出動詞提取及名詞提取障礙。研究結果顯示,無論在圖片命名、詞彙衍生或者是故事敘述,帕金森氏症患者的表現皆與正常人無顯著差異,相較於正常人並未發現有動詞缺失的情形;阿茲海默症患者則是整體表現都較正常人為差,然而與正常人比較之下也未發現其在名詞提取上有任何受損的現象。 與先前的相關研究比較,本研究在阿茲海默症部份的結果與Druks等人(2006)的研究結果相符,推測儘管初期阿茲海默症患者顳葉區域受損最劇,但不代表其他腦區未受影響,只是受損程度較輕,因此阿茲海默症患者表現出的是全面性的詞彙提取損傷。本研究在帕金森氏症患者的研究結果則是與先前漢語研究(紀佳杏,2006)相符,但是卻與國外研究形成有趣的對比,為何在同樣病人身上會產生這麼分歧的結果仍有待未來研究來做進一步的探討。


Abstract Several researches concerned about aphasic patients have noticed that specific injured brain regions may be related to specific language deficits. It was suggested that left prefrontal cortex is incolved in verb processing while left temporal cortex is crucial for noun processing. Recently, this topic has been expanded to the field of degenerated cases, especially Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and Parkinson’s disease (PD). This thesis aimed to assess the ability of retrieving nouns and verbs in AD and PD patients by using Picture naming tasks, Word generation task, and Narritive task. The result revealed that AD patients were impaired in both nouns and verbs retrieving ability, which consists with the result in Drucks et al. (2006), Masterson et al. (2007), and Lee et al. (1998), suggesting that AD patients’ performance is an exaggeration of the pattern of NCs. However, Results of PD patients showed that there was no significant difference between their ability and the Normal Controls’ (NC) in all three tasks, pointed out that Mandrain PD patients showed an inconsist deficit condition comparing with Indo-European PD patients.


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