  • 學位論文


The Wénzhāng Zhōngxìng Phenomenon in Liú Sòng: from the Historical Perspective of Chinese Poetry

指導教授 : 朱曉海


「文章中興」一詞語出《詩品》,講述的是西晉太康詩壇擺脫曹魏正始時期的浮淺詩風,重新營造出文章盛世的現象。不過就文學史而言,比起由正始(240)至太康(280)這短短四十年,還有一個影響更大、為時更久的文章黑暗期──東晉(317~420),而為此作結,達成「文章中興」的正為緊接其下的劉宋時期。 古今各方資料雖時有論及劉宋的「文章中興」,卻多以歷史、地理、社會等外部因素來切入問題,這樣的作法雖能指出大略的方向,卻難以具體看出這段過程與當代作品之間的關聯,因而本文決定轉移重心,由各個朝代的詩作入手,以詩歌發展史的脈絡來談劉宋「文章中興」。 本文共六章,第一章先用史書、文學批評以及選集的內容來證明劉宋「文章中興」確實存在,接著再按時間依序討論建安(第二章)、西晉(第三章)、東晉(第四章)常見的寫作主題,歸納出每個時期的寫作風格,以此看清被視為黑暗期的東晉與建安、西晉兩個文章盛世的差別,再於第五章討論劉宋詩壇對前朝的繼承與改變,最後於第六章總結,具體論述劉宋究竟是以怎樣的姿態來結束為期百年的文章黑暗期,達成「文章中興」。


Taken from Shīpǐn, the term “Wénzhāng Zhōngxìng” denotes the literary periods since Tàikāng period of Western Jìn, where the poet circles rid themselves of the superficial poetic style predominant and prevalent ever since Zhèngshǐ period of Cáo Wèi, and then lead to the “revival” in the realm of writing. However, in terms of the History of Chinese Literature, except the brief 40 years from Zhèngshǐ (240) to Tàikāng (280), there is Eastern Jìn (317-420), the transitional and a more influential albeit also long being considered the lengthier and dark years of Chinese Literature, followed up by Liú Sòng, which concludes and ends “Wénzhāng Zhōngxìng”. Although various sources of ancient and modern would occasionally mention Liú Sòng’s “Wénzhāng Zhōngxìng”, they come to the points mostly from historical, geographical, or social perspectives; while such approaches could indicate the general direction of an overall discussion, it is difficult for us to detect the connection between the literary periods and the literary works of the time. Therefore, this thesis decides to shift the focus and intends to start with poems from each selected dynasties so as to discuss and contextualize Liú Sòng’s “Wénzhāng Zhōngxìng” in terms of the History of Chinese Poetry. This thesis would be divided into six chapters: it first begins with historical records, literary criticisms and anthologies to verify Liú Sòng’s “Wénzhāng Zhōngxìng” (Chapter 1); then, it discusses the common writing themes found within each time periods such as Jiàn'ān (Chapter 2), Western Jìn (Chapter 3), Eastern Jìn (Chapter 4), and induce the writing styles of each periods so as to clarify the differences between Eastern Jìn the dark period and the two flourishing periods, Jiàn'ān and Western Jìn; then, it discusses the literary heritages Liú Sòng Poetry receives and the poetic changes it achieves (Chapter 5); finally, in conclusion, it explains how the 100-year dark period of Chinese Literature finishes and how “Wénzhāng Zhōngxìng” is accomplished within Liú Sòng.


郭乃禎:〈鮑照紀遊文的寫景藝術及其成就〉,《彰化師大國文學誌》第24 期,2012年6月
