  • 學位論文


From Study Hard to Study Smart – Student Engagement in Higher Education in Taiwan

指導教授 : 黃囇莉


隨著1970年代以學生為學習主體的教育風潮,「學生學習投入(student engagement)」為衡鑑學習經驗的標準:是學生努力(devote)於教育性目標所花的時間與精力(Kuh, 2009)。對華人學生來說,持之以恆地努力投入是文化中被鼓勵的美德,更是學習成功的不二法門。本文將學習投入分為行為投入、情意投入、淺層認知與深層認知投入,探討學習投入之內涵,並建立台灣高等教育學生學習成果的路徑分析模型,瞭解如何透過不同投入的路徑促成理想的學習成果(主觀學習成效、深度學習以及成績),提供不同階段的高教學生達到理想學習成效之具體建議。  本研究對象為535位大二以上學生(含碩、博士生),研究工具包含七個自編量表(共84題),信度為α=.77~.89。研究結果顯示:此結果指出,外在的學習行為與運用簡單學習技巧是直接有助於提升成績的,而情意投入與高階的思維運用益於主觀產生學習滿意度和意義感:此在人文領域學生身上尤其明顯。大學生與研究生之間行為投入、深層認知與深度學習無顯著差異:若高教學生欲產生創意、適應等理想的深度產出,除了行為投入,認知投入也是重要因子,其中深層認知投入更直接影響深度學習與主觀成效。努力地投入於學習活動之外,更需有智慧地選擇高階思維策略學習,才有助深刻地達到、學成高等教育培育知識份子的真正精神。


The purpose of this study was to estimate the relationship between student different engagements and three learning outcomes: deep learning, subjective learning effectiveness, and grades. Furthermore, to explore how engaging in learning lead to much more desirable learning results. In most Asian societies, schools mostly relate to competition, and staying in school is seldom the issues when it comes to learning. “Putting endless effort” is always valued virtue, and students’ would make still further progress. However, the effectiveness of learning becomes the most concerns. In other words, how engaging in school or what to engage would cultivate students learning to get not only good, but better outcomes. This research reviewed the related literatures and focused on the factors effected student learning learning engagement and outcomes to provide related information for this topic. The data acquired 279 undergraduate and 256 graduated students (Male=257, Female=276). Seven surveys (84 items) designed by researchers were taken (α=.77~.89). The results indicate that educational activities and learning skills increase grades effectively, whereas affective engagement and higher older thinking skills benefit subjective learning effectiveness. No differences were found in the level of behavioral engagement, deep cognitive engagement and deep learning between undergraduates and graduated students. To conduct deep learning outcomes, not only behavioral but (deep) cognitive engagement becomes the most crucial factor. Despite hard-studying, operating higher order thinking skills smartly and effectively is the key to learn successfully in higher education. To improve the learning for higher education students, we urge more studies to involve in this field in near future.


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