  • 學位論文


A study of the plateau period of crowdfunding

指導教授 : 王俊程


群眾募資是近年來興起的籌資方式,為許多新創團隊測試新產品概念或是行銷宣傳的全新管道。本研究的募資個案泉興榻榻米在FlyingV進行募資,而FlyingV採用All-or-Nothing為平台機制。在此機制下,募資專案需在時間限制下募得目標資金,然而,募資期間常有資金成長逐漸平緩的情況,也就是所謂的高原期。 本研究主要探討導致專案高原期的因素,藉由質性研究的方式,針對泉興榻榻米的個案進行研究,並對個案三位提案者及十位贊助者進行半結構式的訪談。 研究結果顯示,高原期的因素如下:(1)專案資訊並未向外傳遞(2)贊助者常有延遲贊助的情況。本研究並進一步探討群眾募資中贊助者的決策旅程,並比較與一般線上購物及捐贈行為的決策流程之差異。最後,本研究以贊助者的決策流程更好的解釋了高原期的影響因素。


Crowdfunding is a new way for start-up or entrepreneurs to test ideas of new products or marketing in recent year. This case study was based on data collected from QuanXingTatami which raised funds in FlyingV. The mechanism of FlyingV is All-Or-Nothing. If a project does not meet its goal by the deadline, the creators and platform of the project will not receive funding. However, there is a slow-down in investment growth during the raising period, called the plateau period. The purpose of this study was to deepen our understanding of the plateau period. This study conducted semi-structured interviews with the project creators and funders. There were ten funders and three creators interviewed to explore how their behaviors influence the plateau period. There are two main reasons of the plateau period: (1) The project information did not diffuse. (2) Potential funders often delay to fund. The findings reveal the characteristics of crowdfunding leading to the essential differences between the consumer buying process and helping behavior. To conclude, this study may be of importance in explaining the plateau period with a better understanding of funders’ decision journey.


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