  • 學位論文


Oscillation Dynamics of a Monolithic Optical Parametric Oscillator

指導教授 : 褚志崧


這個實驗主要分成兩個部分,在第一部分我們將一塊單晶PPKTP晶體的兩個表面設計成球面並均勻鍍膜,使它同身兼為非線性介質共振腔的特性,精簡了實驗架設的複雜度,同時收窄了訊號的增益頻寬。另外,我們搭建了一台波長可調的外腔雷射,用以作為光源,並利用單晶PPKTP晶體的優點產生了波長可調、低閾值、單模輸出的雙共振光參量放大器,它的閾值約4.38mw、輸出橫模為高斯模態、轉換效率約11.62%。 在這個實驗的第二部分,我們從耦合波動方程式出發,在假設相位匹配的情況下,找出了它的解析解,並進一步配合雙共振條件、推導出了光參量放大器的變率方程式(Rate equation)、並且利用該方程式針對光參量震盪器的震盪行為進行模擬與分析,找出了掌控其動態行為的物理參數。另一方面,我們承第一部分的實驗架構,架設聲光調制器及自製其驅動器,利用它們產生脈衝光及調制泵浦光,並且與理論模擬交叉比對,一方面研究其動態行為,一方面驗證理論的正確性。


This thesis is divided into two parts. In the first part, we describe the design of a monolithic PPKTP crystal which is not only a nonlinear medium but also an optical resonator for implementing an optical parametric oscillator (OPO). The monolithic cavity simplifies the setup of our experiment and narrow the bandwidth of the OPO. In addition, we set up a tunable external cavity diode laser (ECDL) as a pumping source. With the pump and the monolithic crystal, we demonstrate a tunable, low-threshold and single-mode doubly resonant oscillator (DRO). The transverse mode of the OPO is TEM00; its threshold and conversion efficiency are 4.38 mw and 11.62%, respectively. In the second part of thesis, we solve the coupled wave equation analytically by assuming the phase matching condition. Moreover, we describe the rate equation of OPO by considering a special case — the balanced DRO. With the rate equation we study and simulate the oscillation of OPO and find out the dominant parameters of its dynamic behavior. Finally, we perform with our experiment, using an acousto-optic modulator to modulate the pump and therefore the OPO and comparing to our theoretical prediction.


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