  • 學位論文

開發以雷射構圖製備生物可降解高分子 聚合物微流道系統

Development of Laser Patterning for the Fabrication of Biodegradable Polymeric Microfluidic Systems

指導教授 : 王竹方 王潔


微流體系統已經廣泛應用於各個領域,例如診斷、組織工程、醫療或製藥。使用三種具有透明度生物相容性或生物可降解高分子聚合物PDMA、PGS、APS材料以雷射構圖方式作為微流體系統,雷射構圖是相當簡單的微流體系統製造方式,這是個容易控制、環保且安全過程相比於傳統製造。在這研究中使用ArF雷射系統,有五種主要參數可設置:能量密度(每單位面積所受能量)、光束發射頻率、光束速度、光束尺寸、重複剝蝕次數,我們發現能量密度6 J/cm^2、光束發射頻率20 Hz、光束速度200 μm/s、光束尺寸150μm、重複剝蝕25 次為最佳化設置。另外討論使用雷射剝蝕在聚合物上製造微流體系統細節,呈現其雷射構圖的幾個重要特性,例如:重疊、轉彎變化、離焦狀態,最後使用其雷射製圖最佳化條件和特性在高分子聚合物PDMA、PGS、APS 上製作微流體系統,並觀察流體流動特性和其應用。


Microfluidic system has been widely applied in various fields such as diagnostics, tissue engineering, medical or pharmaceutical industries. Three optically transparent biocompatible/biodegradable polymers, poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS), poly (glycerol sebacate) (PGS), and poly(1,3-diamino-2-hydroxypropane-co-polyol sebacate)s (APS), were used in this study to fabricate microfluidic system using laser ablation technique. Laser ablation is a rather simple method to fabricate microfluidic system. It is an easily controlled, green and safe process compared to conventional microfluidic system fabrication methods. Laser ablation has been carried out with ArF laser system during the investigation. There are five main parameters controlling the settings of the laser-ablation system: fluence (energy per unit area), beam firing frequency, beam velocity, beam size of laser pulse, and repeated ablation. Fluence of 6 J/cm2, frequency at 20 Hz, beam velocity of 200 μm/s, beam size of 150μm, and repeated ablation of 25 times are chosen as the setting for effectively and efficiently the fabrication of microfluidic systems. In addition, details of manufacturing of microfluidic channels using laser patterning are also investigated by directly writing on the polymer film. Several important features of fabricated laser patterns are presented, such as overlap, corner variation, and defocus of laser. Finally, the application and fluid flow characteristics of microfluidic systems on PDMS, APS and PGS are discussed.


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