  • 學位論文

論「平台中立」之管制概念─以OTT TV及付費電視之競爭為中心

The Regulatory Concept of “Platform Neutrality”: Focusing on the Competition between OTT TV and Pay TV

指導教授 : 彭心儀


通訊傳播產業面臨數位匯流時代的來臨,OTT TV利用網際網路傳輸視聽內容使國內付費電視業者受到衝擊影響,跨業經營的結果使得有線電視訂戶數逐年下滑,為因應產業變革所造成的交易市場衝擊,世界各國無一不相應調整管制架構,因此應如何對OTT TV作管制規之議題亟受關注。由於我國現行之通訊傳播管制規範採二元垂直管制架構,對OTT TV與付費電視各平台間之管制密度皆不相同,形成不對稱管制,因此本研究欲以「平台中立」之管制概念探討相同管制密度之可能。   本研究首先分析國內現行之二元垂直管制架構對通訊傳播產業管制之影響,使得同樣提供視聽傳輸之服務,僅因傳輸技術或傳輸平台不同所適用法規就不相同,有線電視受有線廣播電視法規管、IPTV則主要受電信法之規管、而OTT TV卻未納入廣電相關法律中規管,產生管制落差情形。其次,本研究參考外國主管機關對OTT TV之管制政策,並將之以管制密度區分為高度管制國家與低度管制國家,高度管制國家如中國、新加坡等國規範經營OTT TV業者須取得經營執照;至於低度管制國家如歐盟、美國、日本等國則對OTT TV業者之經營採取業者自律或共同治理為主。並接著探討歐盟為因應數位匯流所提出具前瞻性的水平式管制思維,其打破傳統二元垂直管制架構,將傳輸網路與內容規範分離管制,我國於修法上擬參考歐洲經驗,採水平立法管制架構之思維,並導以層級化模式做為階段性修法目標,然而本研究發現在層級化修法構想中仍舊有平台管制不中立情形。因此本研究以「平台中立」之概念作管制研擬,認為對於提供相同或相類似視聽內容之服務,不應因傳輸平台或傳輸技術之差異而為不同管制,故為探討落實「平台中立」之管制概念,本研究從拉齊管制中向上的齊頭式平等與向下的齊低管制鬆綁兩方向作探討分析發現,我國為保障人民的言論自由、避免阻礙萌芽中新興服務之發展以及為保障媒體近用權與促進多元文化等公共任務,貿然將管制密度齊頭向上或全面向下鬆綁並不可行。   最後本研究對未來管制建議以規劃短程階段與中長程階段進行管制研擬,短程階段應該透過去管制手段進行漸進式解除管制以降低管制落差,另以再管制方針提出誘因機制將OTT TV在地化與法制化,進而解決管制競爭議題;長程則為因應視聽傳輸服務變遷而應重組通訊傳播產業法規架構,以期最終能達到管制一致性的平台中立管制規範。


During the era of digital convergence, the rise of Over-the-Top TV (OTT TV) service have brought many impacts on all traditional Pay TV services particularly the steep declining of subscribers. In order to maintain the overall wellness of the industry ecosystem as well as protecting the market order, many governments tend to use different types of regulatory regimes on OTT TV services. However, no regimes have yet achieved the perfect result. Because of this, “how or what regulatory regime shall be applied?” has become a very popular topic for debating among the scholars. Basing the regulatory concept which derived from idea of “Platform Neutrality”, this paper intends to argue the possibility for Taiwanese government to apply equal force of regulatory intensity between OTT TV service and Pay TV service. The paper starts by outlining the current regulatory framework—dichotomic supervision—that Taiwanese government used and how it is applied to govern telecommunication industry. Then the paper proceeds to an analysis of how the framework leads to the development of regulatory gap between OTTV TV regulation and Pay TV regulation. Next, using as reference, the paper outlines other countries’ regulatory methods and classified them into the following categories: high regulatory intensity, low regulatory intensity, and self-regulation (or co-regulation). Afterward, the paper proceeds to explore EU’s regulatory regime—horizontal supervision—in depth and how Taiwanese government tries to resolve its own existed regulatory gap between the two services by incorporated EU’s model into its own regulatory structure but still end up with many problems. Finally, the paper first brought back the idea of “Platform Neutrality” then draws a conclusion that basing on current Taiwan civil right and society attributes for Taiwanese government to achieve applying equal regulatory intensity for both OTTV TV service and Pay TV service is nearly impossible just by copying other countries’ regime or playing with regulations. The paper suggested that for government to really achieve “Platform Neutrality” it should setup short and long term missions that focus on even-out the playing field between OTT TV services and Pay TV services. Short term goal should focusing on even out the competition between the two services which involved step-by-step deregulating of the Pay TV service and drafting incentive plans that attracts OTT TV provider to participate with the local law. Long term goal should focus on redrafting the legislature basing on the era of digital convergences.


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