  • 學位論文

醫療器材新創事業之競爭策略分析 - 以 E 公司為例

Competitive strategy analysis of the medical equipment start-up company— A study of E company

指導教授 : 丘宏昌


台灣醫療器材產業僅佔全球產值的1%,且多為技術低階產品,台灣產業界及資金市場一向有很高的靈敏度及機動性,近年來已看準醫療器材未來的發展潛力且多方著手佈局。 為解決降低照護成本與增進照護效率的問題,健康照護發展趨勢從醫院端往病患端發展,從集中式往分散式發展,先進國家健康照護體系已從醫院與機構照護趨向居家服務方向發展。相關產品的研發,也從專注於提供醫院端之專業產品, 逐漸朝向滿足病患端需求的方向發展,歐美醫療電子產業的創新應用也持續增加。 整體醫療電子朝向「微小化」、「可攜化」、「無線化」、「客製化」、「人性化」的方向發展,「量身訂作」出一套疾病管理或健康管理計畫, 以降低非必要醫療支出。 本論文以 E 公司為例,探討台灣醫材產業新創事業的價值創新、競爭策略以及商業模式。透過醫材產業的市場分析、未來發展與競爭趨勢,探討 E 公司技術創新與核心競爭能力,並對未來的策略規劃與佈局作說明,最後提出未來的展望與建議。


The medical equipment in Taiwan is only accounted for 1% of the global output., and majorly of that is low-end products. Such high potential and growing space of this industry have been drawing the attention of related enterprises to conduct comprehensive investment plans to the medical equipment market. In order to reduce the costs while enhancing its efficiency of care issues, the development trends now are re-locating its focus from hospital to where the patients resides. Increasing number shows that most advanced contruies now allocate their health caring system to home monitoring through remote technologies, and the related medical equipment hence is developing toward this trend; more and more innovative applications are presenting by US and Europe industries. Generally, the trends are focusing on "miniaturize", "portability ", "wireless ", "custom", and "humane"; "tailor-made" a set of disease or health management plan is an action to reduce unnecessary medical expenses as well The present study adopts E company as an example to explore the technological innovation, competitive strategies, and business models in those start-up medical equipment companies in Taiwan. This thesis uses related analysis tools such as medical equipment industry market analysis, future development and competitive trends, the future strategic planning and layout for illustration, and points out the future development in this industry.


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