  • 學位論文


Mining Common Sentential Patterns for Rhetoric Functions in Academic Writing

指導教授 : 張俊盛


我們提出了一個新的方法,能夠從語料庫中擷取出代表性的句法句型,用以幫助 英文為第二語言的學習者學術英文寫作。在我們的方法中,句子被轉變成句型以 統計分析和過濾,並標記相關的修辭文步。我們的方法包含了,在給定的語料庫 之中為每個句子標記上詞性和基礎片語的資訊,將句子轉換成公式化的句型,並 依照內容相關的關鍵字(動詞或名詞)來過濾出較顯著突出的句型。我們將整理 出的句法展示在一個互動式的寫作環境,WriteAhead,能夠依據使用者輸入的文 字立刻顯示相關的句法,以達到我們幫助學習者英文寫作的目標。


We introduce a new method for extracting representative sentential patterns from a corpus for the purpose of assisting ESL learners in academic writing. In our approach, sentences are transformed into patterns for statistical analysis and filtering, and then are annotated with relevant rhetoric moves. The method involves annotating every sentence in a given corpus with part of speech and base phrase information, converting the sentence into formulaic patterns, and filtering salient patterns for key content words (verbs and nouns). We display the patterns in the interactive writing environment, WriteAhead, to prompt the user as they type away.


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