  • 學位論文


Transitioning Strategic for Additive Manufacturing, Using Digital-Can as a Case Study

指導教授 : 史欽泰


本論文採用的文獻分析工具為BCG矩陣分析及SWOT分析法,藉以探討及分析近三年來3D列印快速興起後,企業挑戰及轉型策略,本文以從事積層製造服務代工長達十年以上的數可科技做為研究個案。 本論文研究動機肇始於2012年3月美國聯邦政府宣布投資10億元推動國家網路製造創新(National Network of manufacturing Innovation,NNMI),總統歐巴馬並大力提倡以積層製造方式輔助製造業回美國。此外,德國、日本、中國等也全力投入,國內方面由工研院南分院2013年雷射光谷計畫起始,並於近期行政院科技部於2015年5月啟動了為期三年的「3D列印發展計畫」,在全球趨勢及政府政策推動之下,國內積層製造代工服務業如何藉此契機跳脫出原有代工模式,成功轉型為本論文探討方向之一。 本論文個案公司-數可科技,將所有營運項目經由BCG矩陣分析後,顯示出除模型代工屬於金牛產品線外,其餘項目分析結果如下:設備代理落入狗(Dogs)象限中、生醫相關、異形水路模具及文創品牌dcforlife則皆落入問號( Question Marks)象限中。探究原因後得知數可科技目前所面臨的三大挑戰為:設備老舊、人才不足及營收不穩。 經過SWOT分析後訂定出新轉型策略,將以航太業為發展主軸成為明星產品線。交叉分析後導出SO:以積層製造為核心,尋找策略夥伴,抓住政府的航太產業政策與市場的關係;WO:積極引進航太高階研發人才;ST:創造附加價值,提供客戶解決方案;WT:策略性增資,添購金屬積層設備,聚焦航太材料。並藉由策略調整,期望在未來十年內能成為航太積層製造業的領導品牌,成功打進GE、Boeing及Airbus供應鏈。


This thesis uses BCG Matrix and SWOT methods to study and analyze the enterprise challenges and strategies after the revolutionary boom of the 3D printing technology three years ago. Digital-can, a company with over 10 years of service in the industry, serves as a case study. Motivation for this research began in March 2012 when the United States federal government announced an investment of one billion to promote a national network of manufacturing innovation. President Barack Obama advocated for reviving the American manufacturing industry with additive manufacturing. Soon after, Germany, Japan, and China also increased efforts to develop domestic additive manufacturing infrastructure. Locally, the Industrial Technology Research Institute added their support for this technology by holding a Laser Valley project in 2013. In May 2015, the Ministry of Science and Technology Department began a three-year plan to strengthen 3D printing development. How do domestic additive manufacturing services utilize this opportunity to transform under a big picture of government development plans, while avoiding losing competitiveness? After BCG analysis, there is only one unquestionably profitable business plan for Digital-can. The profitability of other product lines is uncertain, with most located within the question mark matrix. The primary reasons for this are as follows: 1.Machines are outdated, 2.a lack of knowledgeable personnel, 3.the revenue is unstable. After analysis, the transition strategy for Digital-Can will be to adapt aerospace technology as a core product line for additive manufacturing to achieve maximum profitability. SO: use additive manufacturing as a core, seek mutually beneficial partnerships, and seize opportunities following government aerospace development and market relationships. WO: recruit established aerospace researcher. ST: create added value and provide total solutions for customers. WT: employ tactics for capital gain, buy more additive metal machines to focus on aerospace material. Through new adjustment made in company’s strategy, Digital-can expect to become a leading brand in aerospace manufacturing in the next 10 years, and a key partner in the supply chain to the likes of GE, Boeing, and Airbus.


3D printing technology SWOT BCG Matrix


台灣經濟研究院 掌握多維(3D/4D)應用服務,帶動產業升級 座談會
