  • 學位論文

兒歌融入幼兒園主題課程 之行動研究

An Action Research of Nursery Rhymes Integrated into Preschool Curriculum Subjects

指導教授 : 陳淑文


摘 要 在《新課綱》於2012年公布施行後,幼兒園課程有了新的規範,其中音樂教育已不再單獨設科,而是歸屬於美感領域,並融入課程中實施,因此音樂教育面臨了新的挑戰。研究者以教師的身分,針對桃園市某國小附幼的「春天」主題課程,以行動研究的方式,就兒歌融入主題課程的途徑、音樂教育的實施、學習成就與同儕鷹架及家長認同等方面進行探究。透過實際的教學研究分析,來獲得一個《新課綱》實施後,進行音樂教育的可行教學模式。 茲將本研究的主要結果歸納如下: 1.兒歌融入幼兒園主題課程的途徑非常彈性與多元,教師可透過將兒歌當做課程的教 材、學習的媒介、情境音樂和創作的素材這四種途徑,將兒歌融入幼兒園主題課程 中。 2.以兒歌融入幼兒園主題課程的音樂教育實施時,需配合主題課程的進行,與當時的 環境、孩子的興趣接軌;兒歌教唱宜採用「模唱」的方式進行,並搭配遊戲、律動 等活動予以增強;最後透過各種延伸活動,在主題課程進行的同時,帶入各種音樂 元素,以加深加廣孩子的音樂學習。 3.兒歌融入主題課程能達成課程目標,音樂教育相關十項能力指標在課程實施時均能 達成;其中「探索與察覺」和「表現與創作」相關能力指標達成較多;「回應與賞 析」方面則受限先天條件,較不易達成。 4.兒歌融入主題課程能促進同儕鷹架作用的發生;幼兒除了自己的發現與經驗外,從 同儕們那裡可以獲得的更多;而同儕鷹架的發生,最讓人驚艷的時間點,常常是在 教學後的自由活動時間。 5.兒歌融入幼兒園主題課程的教學模式,對孩子而言是有趣、愉悅、有成就的,在教 學活動結束後的日常生活中,呈現正向的反應與成果,因此課程的實施,獲得了家 長的認同與支持。 關鍵字:兒歌、幼兒園、主題課程、行動研究


兒歌 幼兒園 主題課程 行動研究


Abstract In recent years, with the annoucement and enforcement of the "New Curriculum Guidelines in 2012," preschool courses have to be in line with the new rules. According to the new guidelines, music education has been incorporated as part of aesthetics, which makes it no longer an individual subject, and has to combine with other courses. New challenges has emerged under such circumstances. As a teacher, the researcher implemented an action research on the theme course of "the Spring" for the affiliated preschool of an elementary school in Taoyuan City, to explore different ways of incorporating nursery rhymes into the theme courses, the implementation of music education, learning achievements and peer scaffoldings, as well as parental recognitions. In doing this, the researcher's expectation was to analyze the researches in actual teaching, and to eventually come up with a viable teaching pattern to implement music education after the enforcement of the "New Curriculum Guidelines." The main results from this research were summarized as below: 1.The methods of incorporating nursery rhymes into preschool theme courses are full of flexibilities and varieties. While combining nursery rhymes with the theme courses, teachers may use them as the material of teaching, as a medium of learning, as the contextual music, and also as the materials for creation. 2.The implementation of the music education incorporated with nursery rhymes needs to in line with the theme courses. It's also necessary to align with the current environment and the interests of the children. While teaching nursery rhymes, "imitate singing" would be a better way to proceed, with enhancements through activities like playing around and physical movements. Last but not the least, incorporating different musical elements through various extended activities helps to make the music education for kids even deeper and broader. 3.Incorporate nursery rhymes with the theme courses can strengthen the learning achievement of the kids, which helps to achieve the ten competence indicators that are related to music education. Among them, more achievements were found in competence indicators related to "explore and aware" and "perform and create"; while it is harder to attain to the competence indicator of "response and appreciation" owing to the limitation of the innate conditions. 4.The incorporation of nursery rhymes into the theme courses helps to promote peer scaffoldings. Young children get more from their peers than from what they find and experience themselves. For peer scaffoldings, the most astonishing point of time is usually the free sessions right after teaching. 5.For the children, the teaching mode of incorporating nursery rhymes into preschool theme courses is fun and interesting, which can bring achievements. This pattern brings positive reactions and results in the daily lives after involving with the teaching activities. Therefore, parents recognize and support this pattern of teaching too. Keywords: nursery rhymes, preschool, theme course, action research


