  • 學位論文


Managing Stores of Organic Food in Zhubei Area

指導教授 : 陳祥水 方怡潔


在大眾媒體爆發一連串的食安問題之後,“食品安全”已成為人們日常生活中探索和討論的主題之一。人們,特別是家庭主婦,最想知道她們該選擇什麼樣的食物才能吃得安全。如何準備和烹飪她們所採買的食物,以及她們在哪裡可以為她們的家庭採買到可食用和安全的食物。而有機食物已被認為是一種安全的食物,因為它標榜“不使用農藥”以及“不使用化學肥料”的種植方式。但食品安全顧慮是否真的促進了有機商業的發展呢?在本論文中,筆者採訪了五家有機商店的老闆和員工,收集和分析了本研究的相關主題,如有機商店經營者的創業理念和歷程 ; 有機商店的管理與經營策略 ; 以及有機商店消費者接觸有機食物的動機,依此主題來完成這篇論文寫作。 本論文的研究結果如下:1.本研究的經營者是企業家,因為他們開創了事業,而且之前沒有任何相關的業務經驗。他們通常將這些有機商店當作事業的第二春。他們的第一個工作通常是公家機關或私人企業的員工。由於種種原因,在他們的生活當中,並不是每個人心中都擁有這種環保或憐憫,以及不能殺生的宗教信仰。 2.他們的獲利並不是很大,這使得他們在必要時,他們必須調整和改變商店的運作模式和經營策略。例如,有機商店丙的經營者,為了顧客的需求,去巴西學習與她業務相關的新技能。有時,這些經營者必須成為客戶的諮詢對象,討論治療方式,分享日常生活經歷,甚至漸漸地成為顧客的朋友。他們所做的就是盡可能讓業務持續運作的策略。3.從本探討中也瞭解到,每個來到有機商店的消費者,是基於不同的理由來到有機商店。不過,在頻繁接觸有機商品之下,也使得他們逐漸習慣了有機食品並且學習新的食物烹調方式。


有機的 農產品 環保 健康飲食 食品安全


After a series of food safety scandals released in the mass media, “food safety” has become one of the main themes explored and discussed by the people in their daily life. People, especially housewives, wondered what kinds of food they can eat safely, how they should prepare and cook the food they buy, and where they can get eatable and safe food for their families. Organic food has been considered as kind of the safe food because of its advertisement of “non-pesticides”, “non-chemical fertilizers” cultivation. However, does food safety scandals really promote the organic business ? In this thesis, the author interviewed the owners and staff of five organic food stores to collect and analyze the main themes of this research, such as the founding history of the business, the management and strategies of the business, and motivations that prompted the customers to the organic food. The findings of this thesis are as follows: 1. The business owners in this research are entrepreneurs because they establish their businesses without any prior experience. They usually run these organic stores as their second business, the first ones were usually as employees of the public or private sectors. 2. Their profit is not so great that they have to adjust and change their operation and management strategies whenever it is necessary. For example, the owner of store c went to Brazil to learn new skill to fit into her business. Sometimes, these owners have to become consultants of their clients to discuss the way of medicine-taking, the daily life experience, and even make friends with them later on. All what they do are aiming at keeping the businesses running as long as they can. 3. The customers come to shop also have different reasons that introduce them accustomed to organic food and new ways of cooking.


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