  • 學位論文


The Left Leaning Starting from Literature: Comparison of Lu Hsun and Chen Ying-Zhen's Literary Fictions and Artistic Thoughts

指導教授 : 柳書琴


魯迅和陳映真的關聯性問題是兩岸文學的熱絡課題。魯迅逝世於1936年日本全面侵華前夕的上海,而陳映真出生於1937年日本殖民統治下的台灣,這不僅是時間上接續性的巧合,也呈現了被侵凌與被殖民的中國近現代史進程,以及文學註定的背負歷史和現實的使命。陳映真多次談及魯迅所給予他的深刻影響,而我們在閱讀二者文字時也往往感受到相接近的氣質。 本論文,從魯迅和陳映真的早期小說與稍後期的文藝思想的文本分析和比較出發,來探討他們的文學和思想的核心要義。具體分三個層面展開:一、小說創作層面,二人早期小說均有象徵主義和寫實主義相調和的特質,它既具有現代主義的抒情性,又具有現實主義的寫實性,在個人和社會之間形成恰當的調和關係,用個人氣質強烈的抒情筆調達成對遼闊現實畫面的理性關照;二、文學場域及思潮層面,二人創作與場域、思潮的互動均體現現代主義帷幕之下的現實主義特性,魯迅的創作形式與中國現代思潮密切相關,受現代危機促發,學貫中西,尤其向域外謀求新知是中國現代知識份子的訴求,魯迅也積極提倡和實踐翻譯活動,並將此自覺融匯到了創作之中,陳映真的創作形態則與台灣戰後五、六〇年代的現代主義潮流有所聯繫,但在現代主義的形式和個人的憂鬱氣質之下,卻有著對歷史和現實的廣闊描摹,以及對由歷史和現實內化而成的精神生活的深刻探索;三、文藝思想層面,二人的文藝思想均演繹了文學藝術與社會生活相辯證的關係,他們都認同文學來自社會反映社會,但文學又不直接等同於社會或政治,而要求上達的形式,力求以藝術形象的方式將理性範疇的思索化為獨特的審美品格,以及保持有個人「永遠的在野派」的批判力。 最終,我主要處理有以下幾個重點:一、魯迅和陳映真的文學的共同之處,在於「從文學出發的左傾」的文學和思想之間的辯證關係,它讓思想因文學所特有的細緻、柔軟和豐潤而避免走向教條式的極端和僵硬,也使得文學因為有深沈的思想支撐而落實在遼闊的大地上,這種恰當的調和關係成就了他們文學永遠的自由生命力和現實批判性;二、在如此共同性基礎上,他們文學的旨歸又都落在各自生命所依傍的歷史階段的社會現實,例如陳映真就將魯迅認識封建社會的方式轉化為批判台灣社會白色恐怖歷史的基礎;三、從對他們前後階段的觀察來看,雖則具體表現有所差異,但他們文學的核心特質具有連貫性,文學和思想的調和性質貫穿他們的生命歷程;四、在二人文學和思想比較的框架中,也可找到思索和批判兩岸「現代性」、「殖民性」的契機。 在豐富而零散的前行研究的基礎上,本論文從文本和社會歷史背景著眼,探索出這樣一條詮釋的路徑,試圖更接近二人文學和思想的核心特性,也為當下我們思考文學、思想及二者關係,還有兩岸文學關聯、思想批判任務提供一些線索。


The relationship between Lu Xsun and Chen Ying-Zhen is a popular topic in the academic world both of Mainland China and Taiwan. Lu Xsun Passed away in 1936, one year before the outbreak of Sino-Japanese War. Chen Ying-Zhen was born in 1937 when Taiwan was being colonized by Japan. The numbers of year not only present a coincidence of time, but also tell us the invaded and colonized history of Modern China, and the mission of realism, nationalism and de-colonialism that Chinese Modern literature is destined to bear. Chen Ying-Zhen talked a lot about how much Lu Xsun impressed him, and we also can feel the similar characteristics when reading their literary works. This thesis focuses on the comparison of these two writers’ early fictions and later thoughts, trying to figure out the fundamental essentials of their literature and thought. There are three levels of specific analysis. Firstly, as for the early literary fictions, they both have the reconciliation of symbolism and realism. Their fictions start from the lyricism of subjectivity and get to approach the vast picture of society and history. Secondly, as for the filed of literature and the wave of thought, the pattern of Lu Xsun’s fictions is closely related with the arising of modern Chinese literature. That was the moment of national crisis. Intelligentsia including Lu Xsun called for the introduction of foreign literary works in order to reform the ancient and indigenous thoughts. Lu Xsun also devoted himself to translation activities from which he absorbed many ideas into his writings. That’s his way of performing realistic literature in his time. Chen Ying-Zhen’s way of writing had the background of the wave of modernism in the 1950s and 1960s in Taiwan. However, under the mask of modernist style and sentimental tune, his writings are the description and reflection of the extensive history and reality as well as of the profound spiritual life internalized by history and reality. Therefore, we can say that realism is under the curtain of modernism. Last but not least, as for the conscious artistic thoughts, two writers both show the dialectical relationship between artistic works and social life. On the one hand, they consider that literature comes from society and should reflect real life. On the other hand, they consist that art is not paralleled to society or politics. Literature should keep the fine form and try to transform rational thoughts into artistic images so that it will achieve the special aesthetic feeling and endless critical thinking. In summary, the keys points of this thesis are as follows. First of all, the most common character for Lu Xsun and Chen Ying-Zhen’s literature is “the left leaning starting from literature”. That means a proper dialectical relationship between literature and thought. It makes that thought never moves towards dogmatism and extremism because of the reconciliation of literature’s soft and exquisite nature. Also, it makes literature have the support of deep thought and stand consistently on the broad ground of real history and common life. Such reconciliation is their literature’s wisdom and vitality. Secondly, their writings rely on their respective social reality of their time. Chen Ying-Zhen transformed the way that Lu Xsun considered Chinese feudal society into the base of the criticism of Taiwan’s White Terror after World War II. Thirdly, for both of two, though their literary expressions were not all the same in different period of history and in distinctive stage of their life, the reconciliation between literature and thought runs through their life. Lastly, through such a comparison of these two great writers’ literature and thought, we can find out some inspiring ideas about the criticism of modernism and colonialism both for Mainland China and Taiwan.


—— ,《毛澤東時代和後毛澤東時代》(台北:聯經出版社,2011年)。
