  • 學位論文


The Rebellions Came from Life, The Resistances Are for Life. — The Study of Lee Chiao’s Short Stories.

指導教授 : 陳萬益 王鈺婷


摘要 小說家李喬(1934 - )自1959年8月15日發表第一篇短篇小說以來,截止1999年為止,共有188篇短篇小說的發表紀錄,合計短篇小說的寫作,長達40年。如以開始投入撰寫長篇小說的1977年為分水嶺,前20年可分為兩個階段,後20年為第三階段。 第一階段共發表68篇短篇小說,主要故事場景為李喬的家鄉「蕃仔林」,小說人物多數以生活在李喬周遭的人物為主,主題則以描述困苦的生活與對抗惡劣環境的經驗。第二階段發表了78篇短篇小說,是李喬短篇小說創作的全盛時期。小說主題轉向社會關懷,在形式上不斷求變,反抗的書寫以揭示社會不公不義的事件為主。第三階段雖已將創作重心移轉至長篇小說,但仍有36篇小說發表。關懷的對象為國族與文化,反抗的對象指向政治權力者。 李喬長達40年的短篇小說創作,主要的書寫都以「反抗來自生活,為生活而反抗」為主軸。本文是以李喬的188篇短篇小說主要表現的「反抗哲學」為研究目標,而以文本分析的研究方法進行析論,探索李喬從生活經驗的書寫起始,到追尋生命哲理的小說書寫脈絡。


李喬 短篇小說 生活 反抗 蕃仔林


Abstract In 1959, novelist Lee Chiao (1934 - ) published his first short story. For the next 40 years up to 1999, he had written 188 short stories totally. From the point of his creative peak in 1977, the year he started writing novels, one may divide his works into three periods: Two periods in his first twenty years, and the third period for his next twenty years. For the 68 short stories published by Lee Chiao during the first period mentioned above, the main setting of these stories are in Lee Chiao’s hometown Fantsai Forest. Most of the characters are people living around him. The themes of the stories are mostly about characters' plights with life and their rebellions against harsh living condition. The 78 short stories published in the second period is his creative prime period. The man against the odds theme in his first period had been changed to the theme of social awareness, and the form of his writing had been changed also. He focused more on social events, uncovering the human's struggles against unfair society. For his third period, Lee Chiao devoted his energy to novels, however, during the same period, 36 short stories had been published. In these stories, his main focuses are nation and cultural conflict. The government in power has become his target of the rebellion theme. “The Rebellions Came from Life, The Resistances Are for Life” is the key point of his writing during the past forty years. This thesis takes the aim of the researching upon the philosophy of rebellion exploring in the 188 short stories. To research the life philosophy and the thread of thought in those articles, textual analysis had been taken.


Lee Chiao Short stories Life Rebellions Fantsai Forest


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