  • 學位論文


A Study of the Experience of the Facilitator in Presiding over Restorative Justice Conference

指導教授 : 曾文志


本研究旨在探討法務部在全國地方法院檢察署實施修復式司法試行方案後,修復促進者主持修復會議之整體經驗。研究採用質性研究取向,對於全國各地方法院檢察署所聘任,具有一定經驗之修復促進者,透過深度訪談之方式,取得其主持修復會議之經驗資料,依據研究目的與研究問題,整理出研究參與者主持修復會議中印象深刻之各項經驗,在主持修復會議時曾經遭遇的困難,以及個人因應困難之處理經驗,進而瞭解影響修復會議之各項要素,研究結果發現如下: 一、從修復促進者主持修復會議之經驗中,理解修復促進者詮釋修復式司法之觀點,可分為「對於修復式司法的理解」、「詮釋修復式司法與主持修復會議之間的關聯性」、「影響修復會議進行之要素」。 二、修復促進者主持修復會議之整體經驗部分,分別為「理解當事人觀點與引導當事人對話的過程」、「對個人意義重大的經驗」、「因應困難與挑戰之歷程」。 三、擔任修復促進者之成長與省思部分,分別為「擔任修復促進者之動機與學習」、「自我評價修復會議的成效」、「自我成長與省思」。 根據研究結果與發現,提供予修復促進者將來主持修復會議時之參考,並對修復式司法計畫運作制度及未來從事相關研究者提出建議。 關鍵字:修復式司法、修復會議、修復促進者


This study aimed to explore the overall experiences of facilitators presiding over restorative justice conferences after Ministry of Justice implemented the restorative justice programs in district prosecutors offices. This study used qualitative research methods to obtain the experience of presiding over restorative justice conferences through having in-depth interviews with senior facilitators, who ware engaged by district prosecutors offices. In order to understand the key factors which could influence restorative justice conferences, we sorted out impressive experience from the facilitators, including the difficulties they faced when presiding over restorative justice conferences, and the reactions they faced these problems, according to our research purposes and research questions. The results included as follows: 1. The interpretation and perspective of restorative justice, including “the understanding of restorative justice,” “the relevance between interpretation of restorative justice and presiding over restorative justice conferences,” and “the key factors that could influence restorative justice conferences.” 2. The experience of presiding over restorative justice conferences, including “the process of understanding the perspective and conversation from parties,” “the most impressive experience,” and “the process of facing difficulties and challenges.” 3. The reflection after presiding over restorative justice conferences, including “the motivation of being responsible for a facilitator,” “the self-assessment of the effectiveness toward restorative justice conferences,” and “self-achievement and reflection.” The result of the study provided references to facilitators who presiding over the conferences, and would also give advices to those who ware engaging in the restorative justice system of the program and other related researches.


Kuo, S. Y. (2011). Emerging processes and concepts of restorative justice and its implication to criminal justice in the united states. 犯罪與刑事司法研究,(16), 1-45.
