  • 學位論文


Switching Lives: Work and Leisure in Work Exchange

指導教授 : 許瀞文


打工換宿是一種透過勞動力或專長交換店家食物與住宿的旅行方式,同時結合工作與旅遊體驗。雖然其在法律上與社會認定上有脫鉤的現象,無法忽視的是,打工換宿在近十年迅速又密集地嵌入在台灣社會中:不僅在青年學子間成為又新、又熱門的旅行方式;也有越來越多產業加入打工換宿的行列,藉由旅遊的吸引力招募來自各方的人才與勞動力,形成新的交換方式與關係。然而,近幾年卻有越來越多相關的爭議浮現在網路社群與媒體上,指出打工換宿是假以體驗之名行剝削之實的方式,何以當初雙方你情我願所促成的交換關係後來會變質;又,變質之後他們會如何重新理解這場交換? 本研究透過打工換宿呈現出交換關係的變動性,以及參與交換的雙方會如何各自基於自身身分對於價值理解之下做出回應。並進一步透過參與打工換宿的青年如何認知自身勞動力價值與自我探尋價值之間的關係,以思考此認知可能如何反映部分台灣青年的社會處境、展現出台灣社會中不同世代與身分在價值認知上的差異。 研究發現,打工換宿有其特定的價值得以吸引店家與小幫手藉此達成互惠的交換,不過,雙方基於自身的立場所理解的「打工換宿」價值內涵並不一致;又加上此交換關係大多藉由網路媒介的方式確立,店家或是小幫手可以透過媒合方式的模糊性為自身尋找更大的價值等因素,造成交換前的平衡關係到現場後卻可能產生落差的現象。其中,由於在現場雙方的身分與空間歸屬呈現權力關係落差,較有利於店家擴展自己的權力,以至於青年小幫手面對變動的交換關係時,一方面,在因應的過程中展現其身分上的限制;另一方面,卻也因為其身分的需求而能夠重新看待這場失衡的交換關係,重回互惠;並在離開換宿地後運用他們熟悉的網路媒介來回應店家對待他們的方式以達成新的關係。


打工換宿 青年 交換關係 體驗 蘭嶼


Work exchange has quicky become widespread in Taiwan over the past decade. It combines work and travel experiences in which helpers work a few hours per day in exchange of free accommodation and meals from hosts. Both helpers and hosts seem to reach their needs through this arrangement. However, some participants pointed out that work exchange has been misused and become exploitative. In order to understand how the reciprocal relationship could be exploitative when both sides willingly enter the arrangement, this study focuses on the process of work exchange by observing what seems valuable to participants and how they respond to flexible value. Results show that even if helpers and hosts agree with the benefit of work exchange, they value different things. Internet platforms play an important role in matching helpers and hosts and some participants post vague messages on the Internet to gain more profit, causing the exchange experience to be inconsistent with what has been advertised. When situation like this happens, hosts have more power to control exchange benefits than helpers because of their older age and ownership of the space where exchanges take place. Nevertheless, helpers might regard extra work as a learning experience due to their younger age and lack of local knowledge. The study not only shows the asymmetrical power relation in work exchange but also reflects how actors’ social positions influence the way they make value judgement.


work exchange youth exchange relationship experience Lanyu


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