  • 學位論文


Construction of quality abnormality diagnosis mechanism and problem solving procedures with the concept of medical center

指導教授 : 吳建瑋


TFT LCD產業的技術變革很快,新產品和新製程不斷地引進。產品的生命週期也從三到五年縮短至一到兩年,新穎的商品快速出現又快速被取代。再者,由於人力的快速流動,使得經驗累積與交接的時間也愈來愈短,企業已被要求從量產之初就必需有高良率表現,但往往造成品質異常發生時就如同打“遭遇戰”一般,問題發散無法收斂,也因為品質單位時常扮演“救火隊”角色處理廠內及客戶異常。當然在系統方面,品質系統雜亂沒統合也是主因之一,各系統分散,亦沒有留下相關品質處理紀錄,無從管理、無法有效傳達給工廠要求改善根本原因、無橫向的串接。 有鑑於案例公司及相關業界在品質異常處理上都會遇到此類問題,本研究將以『醫學中心』的概念套用在品質系統流程來進行品質異常診斷及處理流程,利用戴明提出PDCA精神延伸之OPDCA+PDCAR串聯相關品質系統,並採用醫學處理病患的流程來比喻品質異常處理流程。使得在異常發生時能快速找到最佳分流(最佳辦法),同時以最快速度收斂異常達到品質改善目的。 處理機制則是以異常發生時=病人生病,依照不同的病徵(Criteria),通常會有三種情況:一、一般的門診掛號:會藉由病因分配給各科專業醫師看診,判別病患為何種病因?並進行正確的治療。二、急診掛號:立即有危害生命的症狀者,會在同時間裡投入大量人力資源進行搶救,無庸置疑是最為緊急地。三、慢性病患者:已知的病痛,但礙於現行醫療技術無法得以根治,只能透過完整的體質改善才有辦法根除。以此醫學機制框架套用於現行的品質系統上建立一套完整的流程對策,並結合品質分析的手法,亦即同步將技術的經驗知識,轉化成知識系統備存分享給同仁。 客戶品質異常實務上居多為逆向操作的,本研究會以一般門診及急診案例說明此流程應用的可行性及使用常見的品質解析手法輔助,如8D、5M1E、QC story…等。藉此達到快速收斂品質異常、流程最佳化、減少公司損失、提升客戶服務品質。透過跨單位的合作及針對設、購、產、銷層面進行改善,將有效地達提升成品質。


The TFT-LCD industry technical transformation changes rapidly and causes the correlative new products and the newly made regulations be introduced unceasingly. Enterprises have been requested since the beginning of the production must have a high yield performance, but also therefore creating frequently has the abnormal quality situation such as to hit “encounter battle”, the problem diverges to be unable to restrain. To this end, the quality control unit often acts “the fire brigade” the role to process in the factory and the customer unusuality. On the system side, the quality system does not have the series to gather also is disorderly one of principal factors, various systems are dispersible, also has not left behind the correlation quality processing record, unmanageable, lacking the crosswise series connection, is unable to transmit effectively for the factory request to improving basic reason. Seeing that the case and related industries in the quality of exception handling will encounter such problems, the concept of this study will be "Medical Center" is applied in a process quality system for quality abnormality diagnosis and treatment process. Adopting Deming proposed the PDCA to connect the related quality system and uses the medicine processing sickness the flow to analogy the quality exception handling flow. Such that when an exception occurs quickly find the best split (the best way), and with the fastest speed of convergence abnormal achieve quality improvement purposes. Handling mechanism is based on when an abnormality occurs (equivalent to sick patients). According to different symptom (Criteria) can divide three kinds of situations:1.General outpatient registration:By the cause of disease, assigns to each department physician to examine, which kind of cause of disease distinction sickness is? And then carries on the correct treatment. 2.Emergency registration:In immediate the life dangerous patient will be invested the massive human resources at the same time to rescue, and no doubt is the most urgent case. 3.Chronic patient registration:The known indisposition, but due to the current medical technology can not be cured can only be eradicated by a complete physical improvement. To apply this medical mechanism framework on the present quality system to establish a complete set of processes countermeasures, and unifies the quality analysis technique. And simultaneously transforms the technical experience and the knowledge into information systems to keep and share with colleagues. In customer quality exception handling, the majority actual cases are reverse operation. This study will be about the general outpatient service and the emergency medical treatment case to illustrate the feasibility of the process applications and will use the common quality analytical techniques to assist, such as 8D, 5M1E, QC story, etc. Thereby achieves rapid convergence abnormal quality, process optimization, reduces corporate losses and improves customer service quality. By across unit cooperation to improve the design, purchase, production and sales levels will effectively reach the goal of enhancing the quality.


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