  • 學位論文


Using a long-term ecological record of Dou-Liou Weir to analyze migratory behaviors of dominant fish species

指導教授 : 曾晴賢


為了使魚道能夠符合洄游魚類之需求,首要了解洄游魚類的洄游習性。淡水洄游魚類尚有河海洄游及淡水域洄游之分,但國內對於洄游魚類習性之研究仍然比較侷限在河海洄游魚類,關於淡水域洄游魚類洄游習性的研究仍然不多。 本研究使用清水溪斗六堰長期生態調查之資料,探討此地優勢魚種的洄游習性,在統計各魚種之族群量之後,選定族群量較具優勢的粗首馬口鱲(Opsariichthys pachycephalus)、臺灣石(Acrossocheilus paradoxus)、埔里中華爬岩鰍(Sinogastromyzon puliensis)、明潭吻鰕虎(Rhinogobius candidianus)及高身小鰾鮈(Microphysogobio alticorpus)作為研究對象。 斗六堰魚道在2008年1月時改建,比較改建前後魚種組成、族群量及優勢魚種之體長分佈,發現魚道改建後確實對當地魚類生態有正面之影響,魚隻上溯障礙降低,因此本研究使用改建後之資料分析優勢魚種的洄游習性。研究結果發現這五種優勢魚種都有季節性的群聚行為,且每年都規律地發生,顯示這些魚種都是淡水域洄游魚種,經由分析體長頻度分佈並與相關研究文獻比對後,認為在斗六堰河段的粗首馬口鱲,分別在2至6月及11至1月之間,是成魚上溯繁殖的時期;臺灣石在11至4月時也是成魚上溯產卵的季節;埔里中華爬岩鰍在9至11月為幼魚上溯尋找棲地的高峰期;明潭吻鰕虎的成魚洄游高峰期是在3至6月之間;高身小鰾鮈的成魚洄游高峰期則在2至6月。 研究結果得知斗六堰河段的優勢魚種主要是淡水域洄游魚種,顯示維持斗六堰魚道之暢通對於當地河川生態相當重要,且每年中從9月至隔年6月都有魚類洄游高峰期的分佈,因此建議在這段期間應盡量避免人為的擾動並維持魚道良好的管理。


It is necessary to understand the behavior of native migratory fish for making a fishway with complete function. Migratory fish in freshwater can be divided to two group: diadromous fish and potamodromous fish. However, comparing with diadromous fish, there are few studies about native potamodromous fish in Taiwan. A long-term river ecological record of Dou-Liou Weir in Qing-Shui River was performed. Species richness indicated that Opsariichthys pachycephalus, Acrossocheilus paradoxus, Sinogastromyzon puliensis, Rhinogobius candidianus and Microphysogobio alticorpus are dominant species in this stream segment. Alterations of fishway of Dou-Liou Weir had been completed on Jan. 2008. Comparison of species composition, species richness and distribution of dominant species’ body length indicated that reconstruction of fishway had beneficial outcomes to local fish ecology. So the ecological record after reconstruction of fishway was used to analysis the migratory behavior of dominant species. The findings here are that O. pachycephalus adults migrate upstream during Feb. to Jun. and Nov. to Jan., A. paradoxus adults migrate upstream during Nov. to Apr., S. puliensis juveniles migrate upstream during Sep. to Nov., R. candidianus adults migrate during Mar. to Jun. and M. alticorpus adults migrate during Feb. to Jun.. All these five dominant species have regularly migration periods year by year, indicating that they are potamodromous fish and also highlighting the importance of a well-function fishway of Dou-Liou Weir. The fish migration cover the time from Sep. to Jun., so we suggest that there should be no human disturbance and keep a well fishway function during this period.


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