  • 學位論文


The Motion Verbs and Motion Events in Old Chinese

指導教授 : 劉承慧


以往研究從語言類型學的角度探討上古漢語的位移事件,本文提出另一個詮釋的角度,即從上古漢語本身為出發點。 本文關注的核心議題是上古漢語位移事件的表達,分為兩個部分:一是從共時角度,辨析上古漢語位移居止動詞的特點;二是從歷時角度,觀察位移居止動詞組合的模式,並闡釋其組合的語義基礎。 在研究方法方面,本文不採用語言類型學所提出的語義要素分析上古漢語的位移居止動詞及其組合,而是從這些動詞所在的不同句法結構中提取出其最具區別作用的語義特徵,再以此分析位移居止動詞之組合。 我們以位移居止動詞跟主賓語的搭配、位移居止動詞跟「於」詞組的組合、位移居止動詞跟轉指標記「所」的複合及位移居止動詞的使動用法作為分類的參照,將位移居止動詞分成「過程」、「變化」、「狀態」三大類。過程類位移居止動詞具有「之往」語義特徵,變化類位移居止動詞具有「離開」、「到達」或「經過」語義特徵,而狀態類位移居止動詞具有「居止」語義特徵。分析顯示,這些特徵對於位移居止動詞與其他成分的搭配與組合起著決定性作用,連動式也不例外。 本文主張,上古漢語位移居止動詞「V1」和「V2」的組合有連動式和並列式兩種。連動式是上述語義特徵按照時間順序原則的排列組合,其基本序列為「離開-之往-經過-到達-居止」。至於並列式,則是相同語義特徵的平行組合。另,本文還提出「最直接語義角色」的概念,認為[所V]通常轉指位移居止動詞的最直接語義角色,而「於」一般引介位移居止動詞的非最直接語義角色。


This study interprets the motion events in Old Chinese from the perspective of Old Chinese instead of linguistic typology. We discuss the motion events in Old Chinese under the following topics: the characteristics of motion verbs and the patterns of their composition. When analyzing the characteristics of motion verbs and the patterns of their composition, the previous studies rely on the semantic elements which used in linguistic typology, while we rely on the distinctive features extracted from the constructions that consist of motion verbs. Based on the collocation of motion verbs, the composition of motion verbs and yú preposition phrase, the compounding [suǒ v] and the causativization of motion verbs, we propose that the motion verbs in Old Chinese can be classified into three main categories, namely “process”, “achievement” and “state”. Basically, the semantic feature of process type is “go”, the semantic feature of achievement type is either “leave”, “arrive” or “pass”, and the semantic feature of state type is “stay”. These semantic features play an important role in all types of composition and collocation of motion verbs. We conclude that there are two types of composition of motion verbs, namely serial-verb construction and parallel-verb construction. The former is a composite of above-mentioned semantic features following The Principle of Temporal Sequence, and its fundamental sequence is “leave-go-pass-arrive-stay”. On the other hand, the latter is a composite of semantic features of the same type. Besides, we also propose a new concept of “the most direct semantic role”, and suggest that compounding [suǒ v] normally refer to “the most direct semantic role” of motion verbs, while yú preposition phrase generally refer to the semantic role other than “the most direct semantic role”.


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游文福 2013 〈先秦定型複合[相V]與「相」的語義功能〉,《清華學報》43.1: 97-126。
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