  • 學位論文

跳進教室的「街頭」── B-Boy的身體技藝、在地實踐與全球想像

Dancing the "Street" in Studio: Body Technique, Local Practice, and Global Imagination of B-Boys in Taiwan

指導教授 : 許瀞文


本研究欲理解台灣的職業breaking舞者,如何街舞工作室的實質場域中,(再)生產的身體技藝(body technique)與知識,展開串聯地域網絡的在地實踐,並透過網路媒介與跨國移動,展開對breaking以及全球breaking社群的想像。 本研究從舞者的身體出發,將實踐外來的breaking舞蹈之行為,視為以身體為媒介進行的全球化現象。首先,根據對高難度動作技巧,以及嚴苛耗時的身體鍛鍊進行觀察與體驗,來探究舞者藉由教/學和個人實作,傳遞何種身體技藝,以及相對應的身體文化。再者,聚焦於街舞工作室成員們因長時間練舞所累積的身體資本(physical capital),則成為其日後面對不同場域時資本轉換的基礎,促進或者限制在場域內/外發展的可能性。此外,網際網路的日新月異,以及與外國舞者交會的經驗,亦給予台灣舞者建構breaking世界圖像的材料,並促使他們針對我們/他者關係進行再想像(re-imagine)。最終,本研究將試圖回答,何謂breaking所形成的「台灣特色」,以說明breaking究竟以何種樣貌鑲嵌於在地脈絡之中。


Breaking 身體技藝 全球化 認同 想像


This study attempts to understand how Taiwanese professional b-boys (re)produce body technique and knowledge, practice breaking in local context, and imagine breaking and the global breaking community through internet media and transnational flows in dance studios. This study begins from the dancer's body and considers the dancing body to be a medium of globalization. First, based on observing and experiencing the difficult skill and the harsh body training required for dancers, it explores the body technique and body culture of breaking. It then focuses on b-boy's physical captial and how it could transform into other capital but also block them from moving to different fields. Furthermore, Taiwanese b-boys construct a unique world view of breaking throught the Internet and interaction with foreign dancers. This view also encourages them to re-imagine the relationship between "us" and "them". In conclusion, this study tries to answer what the "Taiwan feature" of breaking is to illustrate how breaking entwine with local context.


2002 《青少年文化素描:街舞與同人誌》,財團法人導航基金會編著。台北市:巨流。
2011 《「沒有聲音不代表不存在」──女性街舞舞者自我實踐的展現》,國立陽明大學衛生福利研究所。
2011 〈街頭「飆」舞的晚期現代性意涵──我尬舞,故我在〉,見於《運動文化研究》第十七期,頁7-56。台北市:台灣身體文化學會。
Banks, Mark
