  • 學位論文

香蕉產業與地方意義之建構: 以旗山為例

Banana Industry and Construction of Local Significance: Case in Qishan.

指導教授 : 呂玫鍰


旗山是一個從日治時期就以香蕉作為主要農業生產項目的小鎮,香蕉在旗山發展的百年歷史,與過往創造的出口佳績,讓旗山擁有「蕉城」和「香蕉王國」的美名。香蕉長久模塑出旗山這個地方的地景與人群,成為這本論文的核心。本研究以旗山最重要的香蕉生產聚落─溪洲為出發點,用人類學對於地景與社群的概念來討論與書寫。香蕉的生產與交易景象日日在溪洲上演,形成了這裡獨有的產業地景。從探究地景的過程中,可以發現地景的存在不只顯示過去香蕉在此地的發展狀態,也揭露了如今產業發展的困境。生活於其中的人們,如不同世代的蕉農、生產者與專家、蕉農與商人,呈現不同社群間對於香蕉產業的思考差異。這部分展現的是香蕉在旗山所發展出的獨特地方生活。 近年來,旗山以香蕉作為地方象徵,擴展成觀光資源,融入於各種活動和空間中,形成了以香蕉為主題的觀光地景,甚至成為文化消費的一環。本論文一方面描繪香蕉作為一個商品,從單純的生產、銷售面向,展現與旗山的密切關係;另一方面,指出香蕉被作為觀光發展的主題,顯示其已轉化為地方象徵的意義,而這層意義得以建構,便是根基於香蕉生產的百年歷史與地方生活。透過觀光地景,旗山又得以向外界聲稱香蕉在此的獨特性。此外,從觀光活動的塑造,也可發現,香蕉已成為旗山人能夠共享的文化資源,成為一種想像共同體的依據。


旗山 香蕉產業 地景 社群


Qishan is a small town that features bananas as its major agricultural production during the Japanese occupation. Banana industry in Qishan has developed for one century, and created a successful record in exportation. Therefore, Qishan wins “banana town” and “banana kingdom” in reputation. Bananas shapes the landscape and people’s life in Qishan, which becomes the core of this research. The study starts from the most important banana production settlement in Qishan – Xizhou, to discuss and write with the concept of landscape and community in anthropology. Banana production and business happen in Xizhou every single day, and form its unique industrial landscape. During the process of exploring the landscape, the presence of landscape not only displays the development of bananas in the past, but also reveals the dilemma of industry today. Among people living in the landscape, such as banana farmers in different generations, producers and experts, banana farmers and businessmen, distinguish the community and show their thinking difference regarding the banana industry. This part displays the unique local life with bananas in Qishan. Recently, bananas become a local symbol and tourism resource in Qishan. By integrating into various activities and spaces, Qishan forms a banana-themed tourism landscape, and even become a part of cultural consumption. This paper depicts bananas as a commodity, from the simple production and selling, to show the close relationship with Qishan; on the other hand, it points out that bananas are used as the theme of tourism development and demonstrate the symbolic significance based on century of production history and local life. Through tourism landscape, Qishan claims its uniqueness with bananas to the outside world. In addition, through tourism activities, bananas have become cultural resources that people in Qishan can share, and a basis of imagined communities.


Qishan banana industry landscape community


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