  • 學位論文

「租」在北京: 北京常住外來人口的居住型態與階級分化

Renters in Beijing: Living Patterns and Class Differentiation of Foreign Population in Beijing

指導教授 : 林宗弘


本研究的主題是北京常住外來人口的居住型態與階級分化。目前北京市常住人口中約有百分之四十是常住外來人口,即長期工作、生活在北京,卻無北京戶籍及住房者。這類人群因為制度和市場的雙重排斥,必須以租賃的方式解決在北京居住的問題,因而和北京的住房擁有者形成了「收租者─被收租者」的剝削關係,影響常住外來人口階級分化。本研究放在市場轉型、階級理論、城市研究與戶籍制度相關的研究脈絡中,梳理相關的研究文獻與政策資料,在北京市各地進行訪談與田野調查,共訪談二十名常住外來人口。 在住房政策結構面,本研究發現,改革開放後中國各城市重新商品化居民住房,但這個市場並非真正的市場。政府自始至終控制著土地與開發權,並透過對住房資格、住房福利的管控,達到控制城市住房市場的目的,這種控制方式重新形塑了戶籍制度對住房資源的控制。除此之外,在城市化的過程中,中國「以土地為核心的城市化」模式,著重住房產業發展,造成北京房價與房租高漲、居住條件惡化的狀態。在扭曲的市場環境下,僅能透過租賃解決住房問題的外來人口成為住房市場中的被剝削者,高昂的生活成本讓他們發展出各種不同於平常的居住型態。 本研究發現,常住外來人口多半居住於北京五環至六環間的城中村,或者在城區內被視為違建或違法的空間內。這些居住空間沒有受到保障,隨時有被政府拆遷或驅趕的可能。面對北京制度性的歧視,常住外來人口可能選擇長期在北京工作生活,在家鄉或別的城市購置房產。僅有少數在特定時空背景下,具備特定條件的常住外來人口,才能成功在北京進城落戶、購房安家。


This thesis aims to deal with living patterns and class differentiation of foreign population in Beijing. 40% population are migrants from other provinces, working and living in Beijing without a Beijing household register and housing. They are rejected by both Hukou system and market, so the foreign population have to rent their housing and fall in the renter- rentier exploitative relationship, influencing the class differentiation of foreign population. This research is structured with market transition, class concept, urban studies, and household registration system, deploying related studies and policy materials, making field study in Beijing, interviewing 20 foreign population in Beijing. When it comes to housing policy structure, we find that after reform and opening, housing has been re-commodified in every city in China. However, the housing market is not a real one. The government controls the lands and right of developing lands and controls the housing market by managing housing qualification and housing welfare. The control of Hukou system re-shapes the control of housing resource. Besides, during the urbanization process, China government “land-centered urbanization” , focusing on housing industry, and result in the rise of rent and price of house and the deterioration of living conditions. Under the twisted housing market, the foreign population rent for their housing become the exploited. The high cost of living stimulates different living patterns. We found that the foreign population mostly live in urban villages between fifth rings and sixth rings in Beijing, or live in illegal spaces or buildings in city. These living spaces and residents are not guaranteed, and are likely to be torn down or be expelled anytime by government. Facing the institutionalized discrimination of Beijing, foreign population may work and live in Beijing for long but buy houses in their hometown or other city. Only few cases with particular temporal and spatial background and special condition can successfully register in Hukou system and buy houses in Beijing.


