  • 學位論文


A study of team-member exchange , personal initiative, and team innovativeness: Investigating the moderating and mediating role of stress

指導教授 : 劉玉雯


在全球化的影響下,企業的競爭已從過往的地域性競爭延伸到國際性競爭。若企業只想獨善其身偏安一隅,無疑地將逐漸走向衰敗與滅亡。因此,生存的關鍵在於如何利用創新使其獲得產業中的競爭優勢。然而,創新乃行為之表現,為團隊成員動機具象化的結果,也就是說行為的背後必然存在動機。有益的動機能夠激發成員使其懷抱達成目標的期待並產生有利組織的行為,進而提高組織績效基於組織行為學理論,吾認為於個人壓力與團隊成員間的關係品質將為成員在組織中行為表現不可忽略之因素。本研究採取團隊層次為分析單位,從不同壓力種類對成員產生的影響與成員間社交關係的變化進行深入探討,並佐以成員交換關係、挑戰式壓力與阻礙式壓力的理論來了解激勵成員自主性的關鍵,在進而探討成員自主性對團隊創新程度的影響。 本研究以科技製造相關、食品相關、石化相關、設計、與金融等產業的專案團隊或功能性團隊為研究對象,採便利抽樣的問卷發放方式蒐集資料,針對86組團隊共430人進行問卷調查。回收86組團隊資料經資料篩選後,共獲得有效團隊資料61組。接著再以SPSS16.0與SmartPLS統計分析軟體,針對蒐集的資料進行結構方程式分析。實證研究結果發現:(1)成員交換關係對成員自主性有顯著正向影響(2)阻礙式壓力對成員自主性有顯著負向影響(3)成員自主性對團隊創新程度有顯著正向影響(4)成員自主性對阻礙式壓力與團隊創新程度有顯著部分中介效果(5)成員自主性對成員交換關係與創新程度有顯著完全中介效果(6)阻礙式壓對力成員交換關係與成員自主性有顯著干擾效果。最後,本研究根據實證分析結果提出理論與實務意涵、研究限制及未來研究方向,針對促進成員交換關係的品質、掌握不同壓力對成員的影響提出實務上可行的建議,期能提升團隊的創新程度,讓管理者了解到「人」為組織的根本同時也為獲取競爭優勢的關鍵。


Due to globalization, the competitiveness of enterprises from past regional competitions extends to international competitions. If the enterprise insists to be original business mode, the organization will be gradually to decline. Therefore, the key to survive is the innovativeness that allow the enterprises to have a chance for getting competitive advantage. However, the critical issue about how to improve the degree of innovativeness is the team members’ motivation. It stimulates members’ expectation and generates some kind of behavior such as personal initiative which help enhance organizational performance. Based on the organization behavior theory, the stress and the quality of team member exchange relationship associate the strength of the behaviors. The analysis unit in this study is team. This study examined team member exchange quality, personal initiative, and team innovativeness through the lens of different types of stress. Convenience sampling method was used to collect data from manufacturing, oil energy, design and financial industry. Besides the invalid or incomplete questionnaires, there were 61 work team valid questionnaires. This research adopted structural equation modeling (SEM) to analysis the collected data. SPSS 16.0 and SmartPLS were used for statistical analysis. The results of this research are as follow: (1) Team-member exchange quality is positively related to personal initiative. (2) Hindrance stress is negatively related to personal initiative. (3) Personal initiative is positively related to team innovativeness. (4) Personal initiative partially mediates the relationship between team innovativeness and hindrance stress. (5) Personal initiative fully mediates the relationship between team innovativeness and team member exchange quality. (6) Hindrance stress moderates the relationship between team member exchange quality and personal initiative. However, we did not find out support for the relationship between challenge stress and personal initiative, so did the moderator role of challenge stress in the relationship between team member exchange quality and personal initiative.


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