  • 學位論文


Using Ergonomic Technique to Improve Workplaces

指導教授 : 游志雲


本文目的在於應用人因工程技術於工作場所改善。國內外勞工的肌肉骨骼傷害(Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders, WMSDs)情形相當普遍。肌肉骨骼傷害案件占所有職業傷害的比例,歐美日各國平均都在30%以上,我國勞工的肌肉骨骼傷害比例也高達33%。肌肉骨骼傷害不僅危害勞工的健康,同時也會降低生產力,不利勞資雙方。為了降低肌肉骨骼傷害,各國的安全衛生組織與專家學者除了找出危害成因外,亦極力推動各種以人因工程觀點為改善基礎的防制計畫,如出版工作場所改善手冊,推動輔導專案,與建立肌肉骨骼傷害的防治平台等。然而綜觀各國所應用的改善技術,不難發現幾乎是大同小異,如工作場所的改善流程均依照現況說明、問題分析、改善方案與改善評估這四項步驟進行,而改善方案類型則多為工程面的改善,如調整工作站,應用輔具或改變作業方式等。有鑒於各國的改善成效良好,因此本研究的目的就是要仿效各國的工程改善輔導經驗,依循相同的工作場所改善流程,實地訪視一間空運倉儲公司與它附屬的飯店,針對四個有肌肉骨骼危害的作業,出貨作業、貨品綑包作業、洗衣作業、客房清潔作業進行改善。改善流程是先透過現場訪視以解作業現況與流程,接著找出流程中造成危害成因的線索,並透過OWAS、生物力學等方法來加以證實,再利用工程改善技術進行改善,最後同樣以OWAS與生物力學法來評估改善後的危害是否消除。結果顯示,這四個作業經由工程改善之後,人員在工作姿勢與關節負荷均有顯著的改善,肌肉骨骼危害大幅降低。


The object of this study is utilizing Ergonomics technique to improve workplace. The musculoskeletal disorder from the workers has been extremely common throughout the world. Percent of cases form musculoskeletal disorder has been over thirty in Europe, America and Japan. The situation is also acute in Taiwan, 33% of workers suffer from this disease reported by the Bureau of Labor Insurance. The musculoskeletal disorder not only affects labors health, but decreases productivity of companies. In order to decrease musculoskeletal disorder, excepted finding main causes of this disease by many scholars, all kinds of associations and preventive plans, including ergonomic handbooks, prevention programs and ergonomic websites were promoted in the developed countries. However, we can find that all kinds of ergonomic techniques used in improving workplace almost the same in every country. For instance, ergonomic process in workplace improvement follows the same way, including description of background, issues found, practical approaches and follow-up evaluation. We also find that practical approaches are engineering controls mostly, like rearrange workstations, use assist devices and modify work practices. Base on the good outcomes abroad, this research applied ergonomic techniques to improve freighting, goods packing, close washing and room cleaning processes in an air transportation company and its auxiliary hotel. First step is realizing the situation by site visit and then finding the clues of hazards among the process. Second step is proving the result through the OWAS and biomechanics skills. Third step is improving the process by ergonomic engineering controls. Final step is estimating effects by OWAS and biomechanics as well as step two. From the results of OWAS and biomechanics, workers working postural and physiological stress decrease and the hazards of musculoskeletal disorder are dropping off obviously.


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