  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 陳飛龍


近年來面對消費者多樣化需求及產品生命週期變短的趨勢,各國製造業者無不努力改善其生產的方式,以期降低成本縮短交期來滿足市場的需求。傳統強調經濟批量的輸送帶生產方式,面對商品少量多樣化與快速更新的市場競爭受到了嚴重挑戰,因此對企業而言生產方式如何快速因應市場需求變化是急需改善的課題。日本企業自90年代開始採用單元生產方式,如知名的Sony與Canon於導入單元生產方式後獲得豐碩的成果,使獲利增加並有效的提升其市場競爭力。臺灣製造業者近年來也開始導入這種生產方式,而單元生產方式與過去傳統輸送帶大量生產方式有什麼不同,需要那些關鍵的條件來搭配才能發揮其預期效果,是否可以全面性的取代輸送帶的生產方式,這是值得探討的問題。 本研究以個案研究的方式實地就國內一家通訊科技公司的單元生產方式導入過程與成效作深入的探討,將導入過程分階段方式進行研究,於過程中發現該公司在導入單元生產初期確實有優於輸送帶生產方式的成效。該公司透過單元生產的產線佈置方式在產線的使用面積上獲得具體成果,同時利用消除浪費的改善手法有效的提升生產力,整體而言藉由單元生產方式的導入獲得明顯的成效。研究中發現導入過程中部份的作法仍有改善空間,同時對多能工培訓、單元設計與持續改善活動等關鍵因素參考相關文獻進行改善驗證,使單元生產方式優點發揮更大效果。 藉由本研究對案例公司導入單元生產方式的實務經驗探討,可以提供給有意導入的國內製造廠商作為參考,依據自己公司的營業模式及所面對的市場特性,對現行的生產方式進行檢討同時學習其他生產方式的優點,找到合適於自己的生產方式,使公司競爭力提升。


In recent years, the consumer demands are more various and the products’ life cycles also become shorter. For this reason, manufacturers in the world are trying to improve their productive procedure to reduce the cost and shorten the delivery time. The traditional productive procedure which emphasizes economical batch conveyor belt production is challenged because of the products diversity and the changeable market demands. Therefore, how to respond the market demands timely is the most important improvement for all the manufacturers. After Japanese companies such as Sony and Canon started to introduce cell production in the 90s, they have increased their profit and made them more competitive. Manufacturers in Taiwan have also started to introduce the cell production into Taiwan’s companies in these past few years, but what is the difference between tradition conveyor belt mass production and cell production, do they need any crucial components to help them achieve the expected objective? Could cell production replace conveyor belt production? These are issues deserved to be explored. This research uses a communication technology company in Taiwan for a case study, where the study is carried out by dividing the process of introducing cell production into different stages. It was found that this company which introduced cell production had a better result than conveyor belt production in the initial stage. This company used cell production to dispose their production line and gained a better productive area. They also omitted unnecessary procedures and components to improve their productivity. From the entire version, this company had positive result after introducing cell production. Nevertheless the research shows that there is still a room for improvement in the process of introducing cell production. By referring to related documents or records, continuous improvement can be made in crucial components in terms of multi-skill training, cell production design, etc. These will further bring the benefits of cell production to its full play. This study would be able to provide a useful reference material for companies which want to introduce cell production in their companies. They could find the most suitable production procedure according to their own business model and market property. They could also compare cell production with their intrinsic production procedure, find the pros and the cons, and it might help them to improve their competitiveness.


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