

隨著航空市場蓬勃發展,全球飛機數量快速增加,飛機維修市場急遽成長。然而,若要在維修市場爭得一席之地,修理廠及個人維修證照是一項不可或缺的要素。早期美國聯邦航空總署(Federal Aviation Administration,FAA)維修執照為市場主流,但隨著飛安要求越來越高,國際維修市場要求標準轉向到標準更高的歐洲航空安全管理局(European Aviation Safety Agency,EASA)證照制度。面臨全球絕大部分國家都已實施EASA水準之證照制度,台灣仍沿襲美國FAA制度狀況下,國內航空公司以現有制度要贏得國際維修合約,實在困難重重。有鑑於此,台灣民航局(Civil Aeronautics Administrations,CAA)目前已經開始籌畫將現有維修證照制度轉型為EASA標準,召集航空業界共同研擬方案,以期研擬出符合國際水準及國內航空業者需求之維修證照制度。 本研究首先探討EASA、FAA、CAA及中國大陸(Civil Aviation Law of the People's Republic of China,CCAR)維修證照要求、訓練要求及航空公司如何藉由訓練縮短維修人員取得維修證照所需時間。接著探討在此制度之下,國內航空公司及國外EASA制度航空公司的訓練制度,並找出國內現行制度與EASA標準之差距,依據國內航空公司需求加以調整,規劃訓練內容及訓練方法,並於新進人員訓練時實施,經由學員結訓時之筆試、實作考核,要求結訓學員技能水準符合單位要求,並編定工作學習項目(On job training,OJT)手冊,作為新進人員下單位工作後持續訓練之依據,最後藉由工作單位維修完工飛機妥善率、派遣率之改善情形作為訓練成效之依據,期望找出在最短時間之內達到最大效果的基礎訓練方式,快速培養合格人員投入維修工作,並作為航空公司新進維修人員培訓之依據。 經由單位完工品質缺點發生率檢驗結果,證實本規劃在訓練時間減少的狀況下成功提升工作單位工作品質,後續研究可以此為基礎繼續改進訓練內容或針對本研究未涵蓋之工程師(EASA Part-66 B1、B2)、維修管理人員等規劃相關訓練,以持續降低航空公司訓練成本,提升競爭力。


The fast growing aviation market has resulted in the rapid increase in the number of aircraft globally. As aircraft maintenance needs grow higher, both aircraft maintenance license and repair station license are essential to remain competitive in the worldwide aviation maintenance market. In the past, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) license was the mainstream. In recent years, in need of a higher aviation safety standard, European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) maintenance requirement has become the worldwide standards. While most countries are following EASA regulations to raise their flight safety, Taiwan is still compiling with FAA regulations. Taiwan’s aircraft maintenance repair stations are facing enormous challenges when competing with other countries in winning international maintenance contracts. In view of these difficulties, Taiwan CAA is planning to upgrade the present local aircraft maintenance regulation to meet the EASA standard. CAA initiated a discussion with local airlines to find out a way to compose local aviation regulations which would fulfill both international aircraft maintenance requirements and local airlines’ needs. This thesis discusses requirements prescribed in the EASA, FAA, CAA and Civil Aviation Law of the People's Republic of China (CCAR) and how airlines can speed up the process in obtaining aircraft maintenance license through training. Discrepancies between Taiwan CAA license system and EASA requirements are presented in this paper. A new training schedule and training syllabi were designed according to local airlines’ needs and were implemented in the new recruits’ fundamental training at a local repair station. At the end of training, written tests and hands-on practical tests were conducted to evaluate if students had reached the satisfactory knowledge and skill levels. In addition to that, an On Job Training(OJT) log book was created so that production departments may follow the OJT logbook to conduct continuous OJT training for new recruits in the future. Finally, training improvements were evaluated by looking at the aircraft reliability rate and dispatch condition. The goal is to find out a feasible method to conduct the best-quality new recruits’ basic training within minimum time and provide an effective and efficient training standard for local airlines. Training periods were successfully revised and conducted at a shorter duration. The result was improved maintenance qualities, which were shown through the decreased defect rates of production departments’ final shakedown. Future research can aim at further improvement of the present research or engineers’ training / management training which are not covered in this paper. These studies will help airlines reduce costs and upgrade their maintenance competence.


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[2] 洪榮昭,「人力資源發展-企業教育訓練完全手冊」,五南圖書出版公司,臺北,2002。
[3] 簡建忠,「人力資源發展」,五南圖書出版公司,臺北,1990。
[4] ATA(Air Transportation Association). Guidelines for Aircraft Maintenance Training (2001.1 ed.). Washington DC: Air Transport Association of America (ATA), Inc.
[5] EASA(European Aviation Safety Agency). Commission Regulation Part 66 - Certifying Staff. EASA. (retrieved on Feb 5, 2009)
