  • 學位論文


The effect of the different concentration of 4-vinylpyridine on the copolymer(poly(4-vinylpyridine-co-styrene))

指導教授 : 李三保




We introduce different amount of 4-vinylpyridine (4VP) and styrene in the copolymer to observe how the properties vary with the ratio of two monomers. Since the monomer 4VP has more polarity than the styrene, thus the copolymer properties in electric, thermo-mechanical, optical, and mechanical properties of copolymers have changes with different ratios. We synthesize the copolymer and pure polystyrene, and characterize by various measurements containing FTIR, GPC, Elemental Analysis (EA), and NMR to identify the ratio of two monomers in the copolymer, the bonding, and the molecular weight of all the polymers. In the thermo- mechanical property, we can see that the thermal expansion coefficient decreases with increasing 4VP. By the hardness measurement, we know the hardness increases with increasing 4VP. The DSC measurement shows that the glass transition temperature in any ratio fitted by the Gordon-Taylor Equation. The refractive index increases with decreasing 4VP, and the extinction coefficient of copolymers increases abruptly with wavelength less than 500 nm that means copolymers get more absorbing. In the dielectric property, the dielectric constant in the range of low frequency increases with increasing 4VP, but decreases in the wavelength range of 400~800 (nm) with increasing 4VP.


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