  • 學位論文


Ecological Industry and Innovation

指導教授 : 張元杰 陳明惠


傳統(現有)的產業發展都是從環境中開採和取得原材料,再加工製造成產品以供人們消費和使用,同時將製造過程中產生的大量多餘的副產品以廢棄物的方式排放到環境中去,完全不考慮自然生態系統是否有承載或消化的能力;更甚的是,當產品於短時間被使用過後,無論是功能消失或是時尚落後,該產品也是以廢棄物的方式被排放(丟棄)到環境中。一端是資源消耗,一端是垃圾堆積,這樣的單向線性過程(Linear way)最後破壞了自然的平衡,造成環境污染和生態危機。 生態產業(Ecological Industry)強調人類社會與自然界的和諧共存,並且以保護物種多樣性(Biodiversity)和維持生態系統平衡為前提,以環境永續性的經營為根本;在這樣的思考模式之下,以往以發展經濟利益為主要目的的產業創新(Innovation)模式,實在有必要重新檢驗,加以調整方向或甚至提出全新的創新模式。 本研究以文獻分析法為主,首先利用現有文獻與可能的資料來源,了解傳統的產業創新模式和產業發展對自然環境的影響,並且探討產業生態學(Industrial Ecology)理論和生態產業的特性,接著從產業的三個主要成員,管理者、生產者和消費者,去研究傳統產業與生態產業在產業及產品發展模式上的差異,最後歸納出生態產業創新模式的重要指標。


Traditional (Current) industrial development models are digging materials out of our environment then make products for human consumption and usage. A lot of waste produced during production process is dumped directly into environment at the same time without taking the endurable ability and digestive capacity of ecological system into consideration. At one end consuming resources and at another accumulating waste, this linear way finally destroys the balance state of nature and causes environment pollution and ecological crisis. Ecological industry emphasizes the harmonic coexistence of human society and nature. Furthermore, it is based on the premise of protecting biodiversity and maintaining nature balance as well as the sustainability of environment. According to this kind of philosophy the innovation model what is only for economic profits must be reviewed, adjusted and even renewed consequently. This study adopts literature analysis method to understand traditional industry innovation model and how it affected our environment. Meanwhile, the theory of industrial ecology and the characters of ecological industry are learned. This study then explores the difference of development model of between traditional industry and ecological industry from three directions: they are as managers, producers and consumers. Finally the major indexes of ecological industry innovation model are induced.


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