  • 學位論文


Research on the key factors of International Competitiveness Analysis of Emerging Bio Medical Material Company

指導教授 : 史欽泰 陳鴻基


摘  要 生物技術產業是近年來的熱門新興產業,同時也被認定在未來世紀產業發展中,將可能是繼電子資訊產業以後,表現優異的明星產業之一,鑑於我國生物技術產業的發展起步較晚,在面臨國際地球村的全球化競爭情境時,生物技術業者應該如何在發展的前期作好準備,或是在發展的過程中以及成功後怎樣來保持企業競爭力,都將是國內生物技術業者因應全球產業競爭的各項重要課題。 本論文研究以臺灣生物技術產業之生醫材料企業為主要標的,探討該企業於國際發展時的各項關鍵因素,並藉由個案公司來探討國內生物技術產業在面臨國際競爭時,能依循自己所訂定的目標軌道,突破削價競爭窠臼及避免淪為國際同業代工之窘境,而以自有技術研發成功後取得專利保護,導入生產量產及至行銷全球之各項重要關鍵因素。 經由本論文研究以創新、研發、策略、人力資源、智慧財產權及政府政策法令與資源支援等研究構面,分析歸納各訪談報告及相關文獻資訊,獲得研究發現與結論,並就企業發展觀點、政府發展觀點及學研界發展觀點等方面提出個別建議。


Abstract The bio-technology industry is one of emerging industries in recent years; it has also being regarded as one of the star industries followed electronics and information industries. Compared to worldwide players, Taiwan’s bio medical material firms are new comers in this rapid growing international market. As late starters, how Taiwan’s bio medical material company develop self competence and strike for continuous growth has become a critical issue of the firms. In addition, how to sustain the competitiveness in the course of business development is another essential issue as well. This study examines the bio medical material sector in Taiwan to investigate its business strategies and critical factors. A case is used to explore the research questions and its causal factors. The research framework includes construct from five dimensions: Innovation/R&D, Business Strategy, Human Resources, Intelligence Proprietary, Government Policy/Supporting Resources. Five senior people of the firm are interviewed and secondary data are complied. The results are discussed and specific suggestions are proposed on the view of industrial development, economic development, and innovation development. Keywords: Business strategy, Bio medical material, case study


6. 郭春暉、2003、建構臺灣生技產業群聚競爭優勢之研究;
3. 李昌渝、2003、從競爭力的觀點探討我國生技產業空間發展策略之研究;
11. 蔡坤達、2002、影響我國生物科技產業國際競爭力相關因素之研究。
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