  • 學位論文


The Development of Nasal Finals in Chinese Dialects

指導教授 : 林慶勳 劉承慧


語音史的重建與方法論密不可分。一百年前,高本漢(Karlgren 1915-1926)折衷歷史語言學(Historical Linguistics)方法與語文學(Philology)方法,奠定了漢語語音史的基本發展模式:《詩經》—《切韻》—現代漢語方言。在他之後,李方桂(1971)、王力(1985)、張琨(Chang 1976)以及羅傑瑞(Norman 1973-)等人,則各自展開不同面向的論述。其中張琨所提出的「原始漢語」(Proto-Chinese)概念以及「《切韻》如同一部濃縮的漢語音韻史」主張無人繼承,其實極具啟發。 我們既不仰賴書面文獻,也不著墨於上古音的討論,而是把重點放在現代漢語方言、《切韻》音系以及比較法(The Comparative Method)三者之間的關係。這種構想即參考自趙元任《現代吳語的研究》(1928)中「原始吳語」的重建工作。鼻音韻母是漢語韻母格局裡最穩固的一環,適合作為重建的起點。重建步驟按照「現代漢語方言→前漢語方言→原始漢語→前原始漢語」層層而上(Fox 1995:153),最後再回頭進行音變的說明,務求每一個方言都能得到充分的解釋。本文研究目的有二:一是建立漢語方言鼻音韻母的發展過程;二是漢語歷史比較法的初步探索和嘗試。


The reconstruction of linguistic history is inseparable from Methodology. One hundred years ago, Bernhard Karlgren (1915-1926) found a compromise between Historical Linguistics and Philology to establish a modal in common use: “Shih-Ching  Ch’ieh-Yun  Modern Chinese Dialects” to depict the development of Chinese linguistic history. Fang-Kuei Li (1971), Li Wang (1985), Kun Chang (1976) and Jerry Norman (1973-) et al. had their own accomplishment in various aspects afterwards. The concept of “Proto-Chinese” and the view of “Ch’ieh-Yun is as a condensed Chinese linguistic history” which were proposed by Kun Chang have no inheritance, but are very instructive in fact. We neither rely on written records nor dwell upon the details of Archaic Chinese. What we concern at present is the relation which “modern Chinese dialects”, “the phonological system of Ch’ieh-Yun” as well as “The Comparative Method” are involved. Blueprint like this is inspired by the reconstruction of “Proto-Wu” in Studies in the Modern Wu-Dialects (1928), Yuen Ren Chao’s masterpiece. Nasal final is suitable for reconstruction as a starting point because it is the most stable part among Chinese final system. The procedure of our reconstruction is in the light of “Modern Chinese Dialects  Pre-Chinese Dialects  Proto-Chinese  Pre-Proto-Chinese” step by step. Follow by interpreting how sounds changed from the beginning, putting four phases in reverse, to make sure each dialect can be fully explained. Our goal is to show the change process of Chinese nasal finals, and present the initial exploration of The Comparative Method in Chinese.


趙元任,1934,〈音位標音法的多能性〉(The Non-uniqueness of Phonemic Solutions of Phonetic Systems),《中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊》4.4:363-390。
