  • 學位論文


Edge-Assisted 360-degree Video Streaming for Head-Mounted Virtual Reality

指導教授 : 徐正炘




Over the past years, 360◦ video streaming is getting increasingly popular. Watching these videos with Head-Mounted Displays (HMDs), also known as VR headsets, gives a better immersive experience than using traditional planar monitors. However, several open challenges keep state-of-the-art technology away from the immersive viewing experience, including high bandwidth consumption, long turn around latency, and heterogeneous HMD devices. In this thesis, we propose an edge-assisted 360◦ video streaming system, which leverage edge networks to perform viewport rendering. We formulate the optimization problem to determine which HMD client should be served without overloading the edge devices. We design an algorithm to solve the problem as mentioned earlier, and a real testbed is implemented to prove the concept. The resulting edge-assisted 360◦ video streaming system is evaluated through extensive experiments with an open-sourced 360◦ viewing dataset. With the assistance of edge devices, we can reduce the bandwidth usage and computation workload on HMD devices when serving the viewers. Also, the lower network latency is guaranteed. We also conduct several extensive experiment. The results show that compared to current 360◦ video streaming platforms, like YouTube, our edge-assisted rendering platform can: (i) save up to 62% in bandwidth consumption, (ii) achieve higher viewing video quality at a given bitrate, (iii) reduce the computation workload for those lightweight HMDs. Our proposed system and the viewing dataset are open-sourced and can be leveraged by researchers and engineers to improve the 360◦ video streaming further.


[1] The OpenCV Library. http://opencv.org, 2000. Accessed May 2018.
[2] After mixed year, mobile AR to drive $108 billion VR/AR market by 2021.
https://goo.gl/P9N0z0, 2017. Accessed May 2018.
[3] Facebook Spaces. https://www.facebook.com/spaces, 2017. Accessed
April 2018.
