  • 學位論文


System support for sketching process recording and reviewing: system design and applications for sketch learning

指導教授 : 王浩全


現代的插畫家與繪師常利用數位創意軟體工具創作商業作品於動漫與遊戲產業中,然而能夠創作出好的作品不只要熟習軟體工具的功能與操作方式,更需要具備繪畫的技能與知識。 本研究目標設計一套電腦繪圖系統,能夠完整紀錄使用者的繪畫歷程與繪圖行為,重現繪畫過程細節,降低錄製和傳輸的門檻,便於使用者透過網路傳輸取得及瀏覽,並提出由此系統利用繪畫過程作為輔助繪畫學習的延伸設計與研究概念。


Modern artists and illustrators often use digital software to create commercial artworks in comic and game industry. However, artists are required to master not only the function and operations of software tools, but also drawing skill and knowledge to create astonishing artwork This thesis proposes a digital painting system, which can record user’s drawing process and behaviors, and replay the overview and detail of the process. It provides a more convenient way for users to record, transfer and watch drawing process on the internet. This thesis proposes multiple design implementation and research idea for drawing learning and art education.


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