  • 學位論文

策略性人力資源對組織文化轉型的影響 ~以類比IC設計L公司為個案研究~

Organizational Culture Transformation through Strategic HR Practices:A Case Study

指導教授 : 洪世章


中文摘要 台灣IC設計近10年澎渤發展,且在全球半導體供應鏈中舉足輕重。IC設計是高度知識密集的產業,人才是公司競爭力之關鍵,人力資源的策略性角色相較以往更顯其重要性。本研究從策略性人力資源觀點,以目前任職的類比IC設計L公司作為單一個案研究。L公司在本個案中為揭露式個案(revelatory case),選取個案的理由符合Yin(1994)對於選擇單一個案的原因:(1)欲深入瞭解新創IC設計公司面臨成長瓶頸之原因(why),探討(how)透過目標方針為主,加入平衡計分卡的內涵作為策略管理的方法,加上從經營者價值觀發展核心職能為基礎的人資管理體系;前述二項透過績效管理以強化執行成效,探討這一連串人資活動對新創公司文化轉型之影響;(2)本論文提出整合性觀念架構,研究過程著重於當時事件,在自然的環境下進行,無須控制或操控。本研究提出策略性人力資源之觀念性架構,並透過多重的證據來源,描述導入目標方針、核心職能、以及績效管理之過程,以訪談內部同仁作為影響組織文化轉型之佐證。研究結果以作為IC設計公司組織文化轉型,或提升組織競爭力之參考。


Abstract Taiwan IC design companies, booming during recent 10 years, are standing in a very key position among global semiconductor supply chain. IC design is the kind of knowledge-intensive industry, and talent is competitive advantage for business long-term profit, hense the value of strategic human resources becomes more important than ever. This research is conducted from the viewpoint of strategic human resources, and L Corporation, a PMIC design house where the author is working for, is selected as the single case study. This is a revelatory case study; the reasons of selection comply to Yin’s (1994) guidelines: (1) want to understand thoroughly what and why the newly established IC design company facing the growing pain and bottlenecks, and to explore how Hoshin Kanri plus with balanced score card, competence based human resources management model, and performance management, are applied as a total solution to break through the bottlenecks; (2) a conceptual structure is proposed in this research, and entire research process is based on events happened at that time under natural environment, and did not control or manipulate. The research is based on the conceptual structure by using multiple sources of evidence to explore how to implement a series of management activities including Hoshin Kanri, core competence, and performance management, and how they are influencing organizational culture. The implementing effect is verified by interviewing employees of L Corporation. The findings are aimed to provide a reference to those IC design companies want to make culture transformation, or want to enhance organizational competitiveness.


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