  • 學位論文

A Method-Level Energy Profiling Tool for Java Applications on Mobile Devices


指導教授 : 金仲達


因為硬體技術的進步,今日的手持式裝置功能也越來越強大,可以在其上面跑多種應用程式。Java 是最常被用於開發手機程式的程式語言之一。像是Google 推出開放式平台Android,其開放性也使得所多使用者投入程式開發者的行列。隨之因應而生的Android Market讓使用者可以自行撰寫並上傳Java 應用程式,我們可從其熱絡程度窺見一斑。然而手持式裝置的最大問題即是受限於電池供應有限的電源,因而電源消耗問題一直是手持式裝置需要注意的問題。如何讓一般Java程式開發者在開發Java 應用程式時也注意電源問題,並可獲得相關反饋資訊做到耗電最佳化,我們因而設計了這個針對手持式裝置的Method層級的電量剖析工具。這個電量剖析工具可讓Java應用程式開發者了解他們所開發的應用程式在執行時,每一Method消耗電量的情形。更甚者,Java應用程式開發者可透過這些資訊,再進一步修改應用程式達到省電的目的。.


電量 量測 手持式裝置


Mobile devices nowadays become more and more powerful. The improvement of hardware allows the mobile devices to run various applications. Java is one of the most widely used programming languages in developing mobile applications. For example, most applications on Android are written in Java. On the Internet, we can find many games or applications developed for feature phones or smart phones using Java. However, mobile devices are usually powered by battery, and power consumption becomes one of the most important design issues for mobile devices. To help ordinary Java developers develop energy-efficient Java programs, we introduce in this thesis a method-level energy profiling tool that can produce breakdown of energy consumption of Java applications. The tool can help the Java developers to understand how their Java applications consume energy. Furthermore, the information provided by the tool can be used as references to help optimize the energy efficiency of the Java programs.




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