  • 學位論文

Synthesis of Mycobacterial Phosphatidylinositol Mannosides

指導教授 : 洪上程 廖文峯


Phosphatidylinositol mannosides (PIMs) are ubiquitously distributed in both pathogenic and non-pathogenic species of mycobacteria and play significant roles in cell wall biogenesis and in many immunomodulatory events including phagocytosis of organism. Different structures of PIMs impact the recognition and response of the host cell and influence the intercellular fate of pathogen. Owing to the structural complexity, the biosynthetic pathway of PIMs remains unclear. In order to understand a biosynthesis and establish detailed structure-activity relationship, chemical synthesis of PIMs is considered as one of the most practical way to obtain the pure and structurally verified molecules at considerable scale. In addition, due to their role in various immunological events, PIMs could act as potential immunotherapeutics. Thus, this dissertation describes the preparation of PIMs and the resolution to the difficulties encountered during the synthesis. Chapter 1 gives an overview of tuberculosis, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and the structural components of mycobacterial cell wall in the beginning. Furthermore, structural characterization of PIMs and their biological properties is illustrated to provide a deeper understanding. Chapter 2 summarizes the synthetic works from the literatures and reveals the synthetic urgency of these molecules. Chapter 3 is dedicated to the synthesis of di- and triacylated phosphatidylinositol mannosides. First part of this chapter explains our concerns with PIM studies, the specific aims as well as the retro-synthetic plan. The following section demonstrates the desymmetrization of myo-inositol using D-mannosyl donor as a chiral auxillary and its application to the synthesis of di- and triacylated PIM2. Chapter 4 outlines the synthesis of tetraacylated phosphatidylinositol hexamannoside, beginning with the discussion about the aims and retrosynthesis. The preparation of myo-inositol building blocks, including the regioselective 2-O-arylation of myo-inositol-1,3,5-orthoformate is discussed in the following section. Next section of this chapter explores the preparation of mannosyl building blocks. A regioselective one-pot protection method was developed and applied for the preparation of 2-O and 6-O differentiated mannoses. The desymmetrization of myo-inositol using 6-O differentiated mannosyl donors and its exploitation for the synthesis of crucial pseudotrisaccharide intermediate of PIM6 is also conversed. Our struggle for the construction of the tetramannoside back bone and the synthesis of tuberculostearic acid is also narrated. Chapter 5 concludes our synthetic work described in Chapters 3 and 4. Chapter 6 provides the experimental details of our synthetic work for this dissertation.


肌醇 甘露糖


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