  • 學位論文


Smart Grid Analysis and Future Prospects

指導教授 : 林博文


智慧型電網(Smart Grid)主要利用數位科技在電力產業的輸電及配電部門之應用,而未來如何利用智慧型電網與再生能源做一密切的搭配,以及針對歐美中日等在智慧型電網的加速投入發展,我國的發展現況及規劃為何則為本研究主要探討議題,整理有以下研究目的。 1.智慧型電網的技術發展為何?與傳統之電網佈置有哪些差異? 2.智慧型電網目前發展現況為何?未來經營策略與發展願景為何? 3.智慧型電網的未來發展效益與評估為何? 而整理相關單位與文獻探討發現,發展智慧型電網有以下效益。 1.將電力數位化能達到節能省碳的目的。 2.在輸配電網路上加入蓄電設備可以穩定電力的供給。 3.與再生能源及上下游相關產業的相輔相成。 4.資訊中心的可做電力控制等加值處理。 固然發展智慧型電網有諸多效益,但目前有以下之發展瓶頸需要突破,包括能源通訊標準尚未制定使技術研發無所依循、節能管理平台效能驗證易有爭議而造成相關服務推廣障礙,以及國內智慧型電網相關市場尚未明確而使廠商投入意願不足等需相關單位協助解決。


Smart Gird system uses the digital technology to apply for electric power industry. In the future, how to make union with the Smart Gird and the renewable energy is an important issue. Facing the instant and vast development of the main countries in the world, what are the developing strategies and planning of Taiwan’s related units is the focus point of the thesis. And the purposes of the thesis are listed as followings. 1.How the Smart Gird system develops? And what is the difference from the traditional electric power system? 2.What are the developing strategies and visions of Gird Smart system? 3.What are the benefits of Smart Gird system in the future? And through the related literatures and analysis of the thesis, we find that: 1.To digitize the traditional power system is good for energy conservation. 2.To add the accumulator to the traditional power system can stable the power supply. 3.To develop the Gird Smart system is good for related industries of renewable energy and its supply chain firms. 4.To build the information center of electric power system could add more value. Although there are lots of advantages of Smart Grid system, there are some difficulties that have to overcome, including the industrial standards, the unified management platforms of certificate, and the unclear situation of the related industrial development.




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