  • 學位論文


Design and Implementation of Wireless Sensor Network Apllication on OctopusII with IPv6 Protocol

指導教授 : 石維寬


無線感測網路(Wireless sensor network, WSN),是由許多體積小、成本低、具有感測能力、利用無線傳輸方式溝通的平台所構成的網路。無線感測網路自發展之始,本是用於戰場監視感測等軍事用途,然而發展至今,已經被廣泛使用於民間了。包過溫溼度偵測、環境汙染偵測、生活安全等等使用方式。 如果可以把廣泛使用的網路協定來作為WSN的基礎架構,則開發者對於WSN軟體的設計以及應用將更加便利,並且能夠兼容於現有的網際網路。而TCP/IP的網路協定便是一個相當普及並且是現今網際網路最主要的架構組成部分之一。透過IP定址,使用者可以直接的存取甚至是控制無線感測器,得到平台上面收集的數據資料,或是進一步的發展物聯網的應用。 物聯網就是將感測器裝置到所有物體上,如供電系統、家用電器、公共設施等等,並以網際網路連結起來。來達到特別的應用,實現遠距控制或是物體間的直接通信。也會是將來Web 4.0的主體。 TCP/IP協定在近來也面對著一個巨大的挑戰與改變,那就是IPv4位址將發放完畢,組織或使用者們將必須採用IPv6來取代已經不敷使用的IPv4協定。而對於物聯網的使用面向來說,IPv6協定的採用也是勢在必行的,因為物聯網一旦普及,其節點的數量將會相當龐大,只有IPv6 能提供足夠的IP數量。 綜合以上所言,本論文將採用Octopus II 無線感測平台以及CONTIKI OS 來實作能夠應用於IPv6協定的無線感測網路並驗證之。


Wireless sensor network (WSN) is composed of many sensor platforms which have small size, low cost, wireless transmission features. WSN was originally developed for military applications as battlefield detection. Nowadays ,it is adopted to civil application ,including temperature and humidity detection, environment pollution detection , and vital sign detection. If we can use the contemporary network protocol(ie TCP/IP) to construct WSN basic infrastructure, it helps designer to develope WSN softwares and WSN applications more conveniently.TCP/IP is the most popular and primary component of Internet today.With TCP/IP protocol in the WSN, the WSN can be easily compatible with the Internet, Also, users are able to access and control wireless sensors to get the data which collected from the WSN.Further, people can develop more applications ,even the Internet of Things. The “Internet of Things” means installing sensors to all objects, such as power systems, home appliances and public facilities etc., And all the subjects are linked up by the Internet. To achieve the particular application to implement remote control or direct communication between objects. It will be the main part of Web 4.0 in the future. TCP/IP faces a big change and challenge now due to the coming exhaustion of IPv4 address.Therefore, organizations and users must adopt IPv6 because of inadequate IPv4. Adoption of IPv6 becomes an imperative for the Internet of Things because IPv6 can supply enough address for the huge demand for IP address with the popularity of the Internet of Things system. To summarize ,this paper adopt OctopusII wireless sensor platform and CONTIKI OS to implement and authenticate the WSN with IPv6 protocol.


OctopusII Contiki uIP WSN IPv6 Wireless Sensor


[1] Adam Dunkels, Fredrik ‥ Osterlind, Zhitao He; An Adaptive Communication Architecture for Wireless Sensor Networks
[2] Adam Dunkels ;
Towards TCP/IP for Wireless Sensor Networks
[3] Adam Dunkels ;
Contiki - a Lightweight and Flexible Operating System for Tiny Networked
