  • 學位論文


A Personalized Tele-homecare System for Supporting Emergency Management

指導教授 : 王小璠


由於社會結構的高齡化,獨居老人的人口一直在增加,同時,因為生活壓力變大,慢性病患者的人數也越來越多。因此,對於獨居老人或慢性病患者的遠距居家照護服務就是一個重要的問題,一旦老人或病患獨自在家遭遇突發意外,沒有人能提供及時的幫助,所以若能為他們建立一個遠距居家照護系統則可以協助護照人員作及時的評估和反應。 本研究提出個人化的評估和照護支援系統,為獨居老人或需要居家照護的病人提供服務。此系統由三種成員組成,分別為:緊急反應中心(ERC)、提供協助的單位、和受監測者,系統中包含一個資料庫與兩個子模型:(1)個人數據資料庫:透過遠距居家量測設備蒐集到受監測者的過去資料,接著整合醫生的專業知識,建立出每個人的生理資料庫並儲存在ERC;(2)評估模型:應用模糊邏輯來取得即時的個人健康狀況,提供ERC受監測者是否處於危險之訊息;(3)照護支援模型:基於最佳派遣規劃建立一套決策模式,建議ERC可以提供及時援助的機構或人選,使得救援行動變得更有效率。 本研究藉由一個新竹東區的案例來演示此個人評估與照護系統。結果顯示,此系統可以為準確地提供受監測者的健康狀況,並支援緊急反應中心使之最有效率地提供援助。


The population of solitary elders is increasing because of the aging society. The number of patients who are living alone and those with chronic diseases is increasing because of stressful life. Thus, tele-homecare service for solitary elders or chronic patients is an important issue because no one can provide timely help to subjects who live alone once they fall seriously ill or encounter an accident. Therefore, developing a tele-homecare system for this population group can assist paramedics in real-time evaluation. This study proposes a personalized evaluation and support care system to provide in-time care for solitary elders and home care patients. There are three roles played in this system, namely, the emergency response center (ERC), the care support agent, and the subject in need. One database and two analytical sub-models are included in the system. (1) Personal Database: Recorded by a tele-homecare device from the subject in need. The data of each subject and the professional knowledge of doctors will be integrated to establish an individual physical record, which will be stored at the ERC. (2) Evaluation Model: Fuzzy Logic is applied to derive a real-time individual health status to provide the ERC with indicators on whether the subjects are at risk. (3) Supporting Care Model: A decision-making model based on a dispatching optimization program is established to suggest the available and most efficient ERC agent to reach the subjects and provide timely assistance. A case study in Hsinchu is conducted to illustrate the proposed system. The result of the case study shows that this system can provide the accurate health status of a subject in need and support the ERC and available agent to provide assistance efficiently.


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