  • 學位論文


Privacy Issues of Radio Frequency Identification System

指導教授 : 彭心儀


中文摘要 資訊科技發展趨勢下,許多新興科技不斷地發表,其中以無線射頻辨識系統﹙Radio Frequency Identification,簡稱為RFID﹚為最具代表性的技術,帶來令人耳目一新的通訊革命,將舊有傳輸的有形方式轉變成無限可能的無形世界,資料傳送,短暫時間,皆於空氣中完成,帶來相當的便利,成為人們日常生活中的重要的一部分,然而一刀雙刃,無線射頻辨識系統必然會帶來眾多的衝擊與隱憂,特別是資訊隱私權侵害問題,如該技術進而與網際網路相互連結後,嚴重程度將大幅擴大。 對於科技發展與法律之間的關係,向來傳統的見解大多呈現衝突、差異的狀態或是法律總落後於科技發展之看法,但本文針對前述見解應抱持堅持反對的立場,因身在科技社會的環境下,科技發展與法律兩者之間互動是密切且無法避免的,該如何在新興科技呈現普遍性的同時完善地保護人民的資訊隱私權並兼顧科技持續的發展,在兩者之間尋求妥適的平衡點,界定RFID之法制規範層面是本文最主要的核心目標。 文章內容首先對於無線射頻辨識系統進行簡要的介紹,再剖析RFID所引發的衝擊與疑慮,並分析歐美相關規範及其關注焦點何在,作為我國未來規劃法規範時的參考,而後從資訊隱私權理論出發,輔以我國實務看法,探索我國隱私的相關法制,特別是個人資料保護法,可否因應無線射頻辨識系統所帶來的衝擊,並進一步探討無線射頻辨識系統最佳的管制可能性與模式,最後提出建議與解決方式。


Abstract With the development of information science and technology, more new devices and technology have been continuously introduced. Radio Frequency Identification System is indeed seen as the gateway to a new phase of the information society, often referred to as the internet of things in which the internet does not link computers and communications terminals, but potentially any of our daily surrounding objects. RFID is not only an integral part of our life but also brings a lot of benefits, such as food traceability, healthcare, anti-counterfeiting of drugs, shorter queues in supermarkets, more accurate and reliable handling of luggage at airports, automated payment, patents suffering from dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. However, RFID opens a Pandora’s Box of information privacy and security issues. At the intersection of information privacy and technology, the conflict has arisen. In theory, the establishment of regulation corresponds to the social development in order to resolve the existing conflict. Generally speaking, there seems to be conflict and difference between the regulation of information privacy and technology,and this opinion is denied. This article attempts to break the fatalism and firmly suggests there must a balance between the regulation of information privacy and technology. The main goal of this article is to define the best mode of regulations about RFID. At first, it will introduce the basic principles and the applications of RFID briefly, then analysis of the influences and doubts that RFID brings. Secondly, it focuses on the relevant regulations and concerns in Europe and America to find some references and clues. Thirdly, it concentrates on the influence on privacy regulations of RFID application by legal aspects and the disadvantages of current privacy regulations. Additionally, do current privacy regulations copy with the influence﹖Finally, it will find out the probability of RFID regulated types and conclusions.


20.顧振豪,〈RFID 應用與相關法制問題研析-個人資料在商業應用上的界限〉,《科技法律透析》(2006)。



