  • 學位論文

語言接觸引發的演變--- 以台灣華語「給」為例

Contact-Induced Grammatical Change :The Case of Gei3 in Taiwanese Mandarin

指導教授 : 連金發


本研究主要探討台灣華語中給予動詞「給」。根據以往的研究,台灣華語受到台灣閩南語很深的影響,可以視為語言接觸的產物。我們發現台灣華語的「給」在結構上的用法更加證實這個看法。主要有三個目標:第一、從構式語法(construction grammar)及詞彙語意(lexical semantic approach)的角度來探討與給予動詞相關的結構,包括台灣閩南語中的結構為「動詞 + 予伊 + 補語」、台灣華語中的相關結構為「給他/它 + 形容詞/動詞」以及「動詞 + 給他/它 + 補語」。上述結構都傳達某些意義,台灣閩南語中的結構「動詞 + 予伊 + 補語」於勸誘、命令,或主語有意願的情況出現,結構中的「伊」並非真正指第一及第二人稱之外的人事物,而「伊」為結果補語的語意指向。台灣華語中「給他/它 + 形容詞/動詞」傳達的是說話者對於所談論事件的評價及看法。「給他/它」並非必要論元,在結構中可有可無,但是「給他/它」的使用,傳遞了說話者輕視、不在乎的負面情緒,也隱含了談論的內容對於話者是不在期望之內,不樂見到的。「給他/它 + 動詞」則反應了「給」在台灣華語中的新興用法,包括來源標誌,受事標誌,蒙受標誌等,這些功能未見於華語中。第二個目標則應用Thomason (2001a)提出的第二語言學習的機制以及詞匯重整(relexification)(Lefebvre 1994, 2001 and Muysken 1981, 2001) 概念來解釋台灣華語中為何出現上述的結構的成因,也就是對於範疇不相對稱(category mismatch)現象提出合理解釋 。最後,探討了台灣普通話中「給他/它」的語法化歷程。「給他/它」的語法化原因有二:一為語言內部因素,二為接觸引發的因素。透過上述的比較分析,讓我們對於新興結構中的「給」有深一層的認識,也可以了解這些新興結構的來龍去脈。語言學習者並非全然地接受目標語的輸入,或是學習不完全,他們也是創造者(creator)。他們利用母語中的知識以及社會文化環境,以新穎的方式來塑造另一個語言。(Heine and Kuteva 2005:37) 以台灣普通話中的「給」為例,語言學習者或使用者真是創意無窮的創造者。


The present paper investigates gei3 in Taiwanese Mandarin(TM). There are three objectives of this study. The first is to pin down the specific meaning of particular constructions associated with gei3 from the perspective of the combination of construction grammar and lexical semantic approach. These constructions include “verb + hoo7i1 + compliment” in Taiwanese Southern Min and “gei3ta1 + adjective/verb”, “verb + gei3ta1 + compliment”, which convey certain pragmatic meaning and feature. “Verb + hoo7i1 + compliment” occurs in the situations that agents are willing to do something or speakers are persuading or giving command. The pronoun i1 refers to the predication of the compliment. “Gei3ta1 + adjective/verb” put emphasis on speaker’s attitude and evaluation. Moreover, by inserting gei3ta1 which is not obligatory, the construction implies speakers affect of neglect and ignorance. “Verb + gei3ta1 + compliment” illustrates the innovative function of gei3 in TM, including marking source, patient and affectee which are not observed in M. The second is to provide a reasonable explanation about the case of category mismatch in TM on the basis of strategies of second language acquisition proposed by Thomason (2001a) and the concept of relexification (Lefebvre 1994, 2001 and Muysken 1981, 2001). The third is to examine the grammaticalization of gei3 in TM. There are two possible factors triggering grammaticalization of gei3 in TM. One is inter-lingual. The other is extra-lingual. The data in the paper is collected from internet, radio or TV programs and certain database. Based on the careful investigation, it is observed that “speakers are not only receivers and imperfect learners but also creators who use what they find in one language and sociocultural environment to shape another language in novel ways” (Heine and Kuteva 2005:37).


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