  • 學位論文


Design and Analysis of a Micro Hydraulic Turbine Rotor Used in a Fire Hydrant System

指導教授 : 蔣小偉


能源,在近幾年來一直是很重要的議題,為對抗全球暖化,加上二氧化碳排放量減低的要求和控制,能源的研發是刻不容緩的。尤以台灣是能源極短缺國家,本身無豐富的天然資源,大多需高度仰賴進口能源。因此,能源的取得需多加巧思並積極投入研發再生能源。再生能源除了風力、太陽能、生質能之外,微型水力、微渦輪發電機、洋流發電、潮汐、…等等亦是不可忽視的,於能源的適用性上須更廣泛,並追求便利性、攜帶性、微型化之發電需求。 本研究以不會造成消防系統運作困難為出發點,開發一微型水流渦輪發電系統安裝於消防用瞄子上,利用救災滅火時所釋放之噴射水流部份能量來提供火場緊急照明的功能。依據國內外現有之小型水流渦輪發電系統概念設計,針對消防救災照明之用途進行設計改良。透過利用套裝軟體STAR-CCM+進行計算流體力學模擬(CFD)的方法,分析轉子葉片大小、葉片數目參數對整體系統性能之影響,隨後進行模型參數之最佳化,使得流體經過系統後之壓力損失降低,並能同時提供照明燈具所需之功率輸出。通過評估不同葉片參數設計,歸納出渦輪葉片葉型設計的參數分析,完成此微水流渦輪發電系統對於消防上用途之性能資料庫,協助產品開發與未來相關研究之參考依據。


微水流渦輪 轉子


In the upcoming years, energy (electricity) will be a major problem for society around the world. Due to the recent warnings of excess carbon dioxide being released into the environment causing global warming, urgent research for alternative solutions for energy is a necessity to ensure that carbon dioxide is produced to a minimum resulting in the lesser effect of global warming. Taiwan is situated in an environment where natural resources are at a shortage; therefore energy is required to be imported from other countries in order to withhold the energy demanded by the society. Proposition of newer energy resource solutions require critical thinking to utilize the renewable resources that are within reach. Wind, solar, biomass, hydro and micro-turbines are all forms of renewable energy which can be improved and applied into everyday lives. However there are three main objectives that should be pursued to enhance its current capability and efficiency which include the convenience, the portability, and the minimal resource required.   Based from the research of the sprinkler system for fire situations, it is assumed that there is no major issue for the system to operate correctly. The micro hydraulic turbine power generation system is to be implemented in the water sprinkler nozzle so that when the sprinkler system is triggered, the water flow would also generate electricity through the turbine generation system to provide the energy required to turn on the emergency lights on to show that a fire has been detected. To improve the sprinkler lighting system based on the current worldwide concept, the micro hydraulic turbine power generation system implemented into the water sprinkler system is required. Through the use of STAR-CCM, a computer software package and the calculations through Computer Fluid Dynamics method determining the parameters of the number and size of blades and rotors that will influence the function of the system. Processing the model to decrease the pressure drop and also provide the power output required for the lights during operation. Assessment of a variety of blade parameters of the micro-turbine generation system and the analysis of the performance can be data based for future references and development.


Micro Hydraulic Turbine Rotor


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