  • 學位論文

KIM LHC檢核表之靜態作業調整評級點數

A Supplement to KIM LHC Checklist ─ Static Task Adjustment Rating Point

指導教授 : 游志雲


本研究之目的試圖為KIM LHC檢核表補充一式靜態作業的調整評級點數,以修正KIM LHC檢核表對靜態作業評估的準確性。本研究的方法是以WISHA篩選工具(WISHA screening tool)為實驗條件,以實驗結果來修正KIM檢核表。KIM檢核表為近年來在EU-OSHA的主導下所推出的檢核表系列,KIM檢核表系列包含適用於全身性工作的LHC版本(lifting、holding和carrying)、推拉作業的PP版本(push、pull)和針對手部作業如產品組裝、食品生產等的MHO版本(manual handling operation),其中以KIM LHC在評估上最具簡潔性與準確性,且風險值的計算僅以時間評級與其他評級總和的乘積,無疑是一項快速上手的肌肉骨骼傷害評估利器。而WISHA篩選工具是美國華盛頓州所提出的人因工程準則,被視為肌肉骨骼傷害的基礎準則,多數肌肉骨骼危害檢核表以此準則做為檢核表參考標準。 雖然KIM LHC適用性非常高,但明顯沒有考慮動態與靜態作業之間的差異。學理上,動態作業的作業週期是由工作期間與休息期間所組成,在動態作業休息期間,工作期間所累積的氧不足所欠缺的能量會在此時回補,代謝產物亦在此時排出,因此疲勞感會在休息期間快速舒緩;而在靜態作業時,氧不足所欠缺的能量不斷增加,代謝產物因無法適時排出而不斷累積,因而導致疲勞痠痛的產生。事實上,專家普遍認為從事靜態作業遠比動態作業更加且更快勞累。因此,在時間評級尺度上補充靜態調整評級以修正KIM LHC相當有意義。 本實驗目的是來比較4組靜態實驗組與1組動態對照組,進而比較KIM LHC風險值與主觀疲勞感受之間的差異,而對照組的實驗條件是以WISHA 篩選工具的警告區域判斷條件為基礎,而4組靜態實驗組是以4種不同水準的工作-休息週期作為自變項,自變項水準分別為5-2.5、10-5、20-10和40-20分,為使靜態作業的危害更加敏感,因此設計手握持0.5kg的物體舉手過肩的不良姿勢為實驗姿勢。徵求10位年輕男子以上述實驗條件做實驗,最後依據實驗結果來比較KIM LHC風險值與主觀疲勞感受之間的差異,利用此差異來調整KIM LHC時間評級尺度。 最後根據修正後的KIM LHC再次評估既有的5個靜態作業案例,結果顯示,修正後KIM LHC具備微調靜態作業之風險值的功能,能使風險值更能符合主觀疲勞感受。


The purpose of this thesis is attempting to devise a static task adjustment rating point to KIM LHC checklist to improve accuracy in assessing static-related operations, the methodology is to conduct an experiment according to WISHA screening tool for devising an adjustment rating scale for the time rating of KIM LHC checklists. KIM checklist is one of newly developed checklists under EU-OSHA’s sponsorship. The KIM checklist consists of 3 versions:KIM LHC, KIM PP, KIM MHO. KIM LHC was designed for whole body tasks, including lifting、holding and carrying, KIM PP for pushing and pulling tasks, KIM MHO for manual hand operation tasks, such as product assembly, food processing. KIM LHC is especially easy-to-use and almost fit-all, risk score is the product of time rating and the summation of three other ratings. WISHA screening tool is an ergonomics guideline proposed by Washington State as a musculoskeletal hazard standard. It is considered as a major reference for assessing the goodness of checklists. Although KIM LHC is very promising, it does not explicitly take into account the difference in fatigue between dynamic and static operations. In theory, dynamic task is interposed with work and rest durations, during rest durations, the O2 deficit occurring during work periods can be replenished, and metabolite wasted can be expelled. Therefore, fatigue can be lessened. On the other hand, for static tasks, O2 deficit is continuing increased and waste is accumulated, and fatigue and exhaustion are the inevitable outcome. In reality, it is generally agreed that static tasks is far more fatiguing than dynamic tasks. Therefore, it is wondered that a supplement adjustment rating for the time rating scale of KIM LHC can be devised. The experiment is to compare the difference in KIM LHC risk score and subjective fatigue perception on 4 static experimental conditions against the dynamic control condition. The control condition is based on the caution zone of WISHA screening tool. These 4 dynamic static experimental conditions vary in various work-rest periods, such as 5-2.5, 10-5, 20-10, 40-20 min. To be sensitive, an awkward working posture of holding 0.5 kg weight over the shoulders was devised. Ten young men were recruited as subjects. Based on experimental results, the difference between risk scores and subjective fatigue perception are compared, the discrepancy serves as the adjustment for the time rating scale of KIM LHC. According to this supplement, the risk scores of 5 old cases were re-assessed. The results show that the new supplement is able to fine-tune the risk score to match our subjective fatigue perception.


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