  • 學位論文

中國大陸P2P小額信貸平台之信用風險管理 - 以宜信為例

The Credit Risk Management of the Peer-to-Peer Lending Platform in China - The Case of CreditEase

指導教授 : 李傳楷


經濟學家尤努斯在孟加拉創造鄉村銀行小額貸款的模式用於扶貧,透過50美元到100美元的小額貸款,讓窮人不需要抵押擔保,就可以借貸到資金用於創業以改善生活,其不需要抵押或擔保的營運模式,卻維持很高的還款率,促使其他發展中國家引進和仿效其模式,同時也促成了一種新型商業模式,P2P網路借貸的出現。 2005年P2P網路貸款平台先後在英國和美國興起,像是Zopa、Prosper Lending Club和Kiva等,它們採用了尤努斯小額貸款的概念,不需要抵押和擔保,並結合網路科技作為平台,平台扮演網路借貸的中介,讓需要資金的人可以透過平台找到願意出借資金的人,而平台則從中收取服務費獲利。 中國在2006年引進西方的P2P網路借貸平台,但是中國的個人信用體系尚不成熟,尚處於發展其徵信體系的階段,本研究以中國P2P小額信用貸款服務機構的領頭羊-宜信,為研究對象,從它的發展背景、歷程、信貸產品以及信用風險管理經驗,探討在個人徵信體系尚不成熟,並且個人與個人信任度極低的中國,P2P網路借貸平台如何進行信用風險管理,審核借款人的信用,並且在平台上建立信任。


The Grameen Bank founded by Muhammad Yunus provides small loans, ranging from $50 to $100 to rural borrowers in Bangladesh. It makes loans to rural borrowers to help them get the start-up capital to start their own business and improve the quality of life without the need for collateral. Even though it provides loans without the need for collateral, it maintains a low default rate. The Grameen method not only has been applied to many developing countries to alleviate poverty but it also stimulates the emergence of online P2P lending platform. The first online P2P lending platform, Zopa was launched in UK in 2005 and Prosper, Lending Club and Kiva etc. came to the market afterwards. They combine the internet technology with the concept of the Grameen method that borrowers can get loans without the need for collateral. The online P2P lending platform functions as an intermediary between borrowers and lenders and charge service fee from both. In 2006, the first online P2P lending platform was launched in China, however, the social credit rating system in China is still in need of improvement and is not that mature as its Western counterparts. Therefore, this study focuses on the case of the first online P2P lending platform, CreditEase to reveal how online P2P lending platform developed with the immature social credit rating system and its credit risk management procedure to ensure borrowers’ trustworthiness and its trust-building mechanisms. The findings will help on-line marketplace providers in countries without mature social credit rating system to build successful P2P lending marketplace.


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